viper GTS-R
Today I was rather bored and decided to do some exploring into the depths of my dirty disgusting garage of boxes. Your probably wondering where I am going with this? Well I was hoping to find something I just didn't know what.
So moved some stuff like chrome mesh, suitcases and a giant bear.
I worked my way to the very back of the garage, it was gross, spiderwebs everywhere and to think I wanna fix this thing up and someday get my car in here. I think I'm gonna die.
As I got to the back I find some 1/18th scale car cases, SWEET! but I don't use them anymore. I work to the left and find a big empty green box and find a little red loose dice sitting at the bottom of it so I took it out and put it in my pocket. Now I turn to my right and find a box that seems another critter has found it's way in, what it was I have no clue but it was smart enough to crawl into the box instead of eating through it and ate everything that I would sit down and read. What a load of ****.
I found a Playstation CD of sentimental value to me, since it was one of my friends before he passed away a few years back. Every now and then I find something of his like a drawing or two. So then I look under it and there sits a binder I have been looking for! I pick it up and at the bottom there is a big chewed up hole!
Damn critters...
BUT! the critter seem to have gotten full and spared a book of viper articles (it's called Dodge Viper Performance Portfolio 90-98), 3 copies of viper magazine (spring 01, summer and winter of 02') Mike Skinner's autograph AND my first Viper emblem from 96! JOY!
I'm keeping that dice as close to me as I can.
Today I was rather bored and decided to do some exploring into the depths of my dirty disgusting garage of boxes. Your probably wondering where I am going with this? Well I was hoping to find something I just didn't know what.
So moved some stuff like chrome mesh, suitcases and a giant bear.

As I got to the back I find some 1/18th scale car cases, SWEET! but I don't use them anymore. I work to the left and find a big empty green box and find a little red loose dice sitting at the bottom of it so I took it out and put it in my pocket. Now I turn to my right and find a box that seems another critter has found it's way in, what it was I have no clue but it was smart enough to crawl into the box instead of eating through it and ate everything that I would sit down and read. What a load of ****.
I found a Playstation CD of sentimental value to me, since it was one of my friends before he passed away a few years back. Every now and then I find something of his like a drawing or two. So then I look under it and there sits a binder I have been looking for! I pick it up and at the bottom there is a big chewed up hole!

Damn critters...
BUT! the critter seem to have gotten full and spared a book of viper articles (it's called Dodge Viper Performance Portfolio 90-98), 3 copies of viper magazine (spring 01, summer and winter of 02') Mike Skinner's autograph AND my first Viper emblem from 96! JOY!

I'm keeping that dice as close to me as I can.
