Jul 1, 2002 #1 T TRAMP 13 Enthusiast Joined Apr 10, 2002 Posts 152 Reaction score 0 Location Montgomery ,Al now on dodge homepage you can change the color of the front of the srt
Jul 2, 2002 #2 V Viperfreak2 Enthusiast Joined Feb 14, 2002 Posts 2,548 Reaction score 0 Location Duncan, SC USA Yes, but only the front and it's only a computer color change, not the real paint on a real car. The black is almost invisible.
Yes, but only the front and it's only a computer color change, not the real paint on a real car. The black is almost invisible.
Jul 3, 2002 #3 Y Y2K10 SRT#39 Enthusiast Joined Jul 21, 2000 Posts 1,715 Reaction score 0 Location Olympia, WA, USA Soon.... it will have to be YELLOW!!! (like in the next 5 years!)