Spring height adjuster instructions or How to ACR-ize your Gen I (sorry, doesn't apply to Gen 2 cars.
Gen 1 Konis have rubber bushings top and bottom; Gen 2 Konis have the forked lower foot in the rear.
1. Remove upper rubber bushing (they are really tightly pressed in!)
2. Drill 1/4" hole in very top and very bottom of shock eye
3. Tap hole in upper for 5/16-18 bolt
4. Screw bolt into threaded hole.
5. Collapse shock and put on lathe; bolt head into chuck and bottom hole into live center
6. Turn down upper bushing and spring cap to 2" O.D.
7. Purchase
coil over kit (or equivalent of your choice) for $48 each; includes
upper spring seat
threaded body
lower spring seat
8. Slip threaded body over top bushing (it will now fit because the threaded sleeve is 2"ID) and it will seat on old lower spring seat weld
9. install spring and new upper spring seat - done.
I'm really at about step 8, so don't rush out and do this yet. I have cut some Gen 2 junk shocks to practice the lathe procedure, and it works. I got my small parts separately from here and there while figuring out how to do this and so still need to get the correct upper spring seats, maybe cut them to fit the reduced Koni spring seat (or cut the Koni some more to fit the new upper spring seat.)
In any case, for about $200 for the coilover parts, $250 for whatever springs you want, and about an hour of machining work, you'll end up with a ride-height adjustable, stiffer spring Gen 1. Gen 2 cars would have to figure out some way to get the rear shocks in a lathe; I suppose you could sacrifice a shock fork (cut the feet off, drill the hole for the live center - I'll donate my two Gen 2 shock forks for this to anyone.)
I'll post pictures when done. It's one of those projects that is turning out easier than planned.