As you can see by the response, many people are interested in your SC package. Of the people that are interested, many of us have 'some' mechanical skills. That being said, a picture is worth a thousand words. Therefore, would you consider the following:
Make a video tape of the entire installation process. It probably only takes 'you' 4 hours (?) to install the unit. That could fit on 1 tape!! If I lived closer to Florida, I would volunteer to video tape the master at work. Maybe some other VCA member has some spare time in the Florida area. What do you think? Amateur footage is fine by me, doesn't have to by some high-cost professional stuff. I bet we have some members that are talented with a video camera that would help out....
Personally, I find it sooooo much easier to watch someone do something, than read from an instruction manual.
What do you/VCA members think? Sound like a good idea?