I would go with you, but have not got another car yet.
You should get LTHL GRN (JT), PETSN8K (Keith), Sean Roe and Rob Steet to give him the Rampage ride like our last big road trip to Daytona at 140 mph blast down I-95.
<FONT COLOR="#ff0000" SIZE="1" FACE="Verdana, Arial">This message has been edited by SLITHRN on 05-30-2002 at 10:15 AM</font>
I would go with you, but have not got another car yet.
You should get LTHL GRN (JT), PETSN8K (Keith), Sean Roe and Rob Steet to give him the Rampage ride like our last big road trip to Daytona at 140 mph blast down I-95.

<FONT COLOR="#ff0000" SIZE="1" FACE="Verdana, Arial">This message has been edited by SLITHRN on 05-30-2002 at 10:15 AM</font>