Can't seem to find any reference to this and my earlier posts have been deleted too...HUMMMMM....
For those that have been tracking the SSG EBAY $14,900 buy it now deal, it seems VCA has pulled all of today's earlier posts "for some reason...". Here is what I have gotten from the "seller." Divorce sale and the car is in Ada Mn...not Brandon Florida. I could cut-paste the entire Email but out of some sort of respect for seller privacy, I'll keep that separate. The $14,900 price includes door-to-door shipping too! My brother in MSPL was going to take a look but its 250+ miles from him and he's leaving town for Orlando. I see the bidding is up to $15K for what its worth. At any rate, I could have another family member take the trip with cash in hand, but me thinks this is the scam of the century. If not, good hunting cause I'm outta here.....oh yea, his dealer told him that with the current economy, he wouldn't be able to unload the car for 6-9 months...so its priced accordingly. Yea right...take another hit.Not trying to be synical, but come on...
For those that have been tracking the SSG EBAY $14,900 buy it now deal, it seems VCA has pulled all of today's earlier posts "for some reason...". Here is what I have gotten from the "seller." Divorce sale and the car is in Ada Mn...not Brandon Florida. I could cut-paste the entire Email but out of some sort of respect for seller privacy, I'll keep that separate. The $14,900 price includes door-to-door shipping too! My brother in MSPL was going to take a look but its 250+ miles from him and he's leaving town for Orlando. I see the bidding is up to $15K for what its worth. At any rate, I could have another family member take the trip with cash in hand, but me thinks this is the scam of the century. If not, good hunting cause I'm outta here.....oh yea, his dealer told him that with the current economy, he wouldn't be able to unload the car for 6-9 months...so its priced accordingly. Yea right...take another hit.Not trying to be synical, but come on...