Thank you Heffner Performance! Exhaust Upgrade Dyno Results.

Vipera Russelli

Mar 9, 2004
Reaction score
I just had my 04 Viper outfitted with Heffner Performance headers, RT steel cats and Corsa cat backs at Heffner Performance. Jason was great to work with, instills confidence, treated my Viper with TLC and obviously values customer satisfaction. The installation was first rate as was the entire experience. :2tu: And with these modifications alone, the rear wheels now are putting out 467.5 hp and 503.0 tq. How cool! :D Thank you Jason! I will be back for more upgrades!

Oh, btw, I’m new to the board, which has made for some great reading.



Apr 26, 1999
Reaction score
Overland Park, KS
Russ -

Welcome to the boards and glad to have you here! I, and several others, are certainly interested in the upgrades you listed. Did you happen to dyno your car before the exhaust work? Your numbers are very good and I am curious as to what the car actually picked up. Also, how is the sound with the Corsa's and no crossover? I have been leaning towards the idea of no crossover as well, however I worry about both the quality and volume of the sound.

Again, welcome to the forums!


Vipera Russelli

Mar 9, 2004
Reaction score

Thanks for the welcome Chris; it’s good to be here. My car’s stock dyno numbers before these upgrades were 433 hp and 468 tq, which Jason said were a little south of stock average. Hence I picked up 34.5 hp and 35 tq. Getting rid of the crossover allowed the entire exhaust system from the Burns merge collectors to the exhaust tips to be three inch diameter, as opposed to 2.5 inch, and removed the, in effect, baseboard heater from behind the seats (I’ve also noticed that, as a consequence of the improved flow, the rockers don’t seems to be getting as hot either).

Sound is another matter altogether. As far as quality of sound goes, I personally love it, and so has every car enthusiast that has listened to it so far. Admittedly, however, the volume has taken a little getting used to and a little bit of management at times too. I'll give you some examples. Now, when I start the car cold in the garage (which has sound reflecting concrete walls—gasp!), it’s, well, startling. And don’t even bother trying to talk over it. In fact, I’m usually in a hurry to get it out of the echo chamber and onto the driveway where I can relax a bit. Once the engine warms up a little bit, however, the idle, even in the garage, is a pleasant and soothing deep rumble. I find myself just sitting in the driveway enjoying it. And then there’s driving. Gently cruising around the stereotypical suburban neighborhood at 2000 to 3000 rpm will slowly turn heads, as people look up from gardening and croquet to see what’s coming down the street. Most looks are eventually accompanied by grins and friendly waves. On the other hand, gunning it in the same neighborhood results in enough of an increase in volume to evoke much different physical reactions from my formerly supportive neighbors. Oh well, no more zipping through the neighborhood at midnight for me--which is actually a good thing I've rationalized. When cruising on main arteries around 45 and 50 miles an hour, I’ll pass people on the road side that won’t even notice me, but if I’m initiating a pass and gunning it, well, everybody knows it. It's funny, a lot of foot traffic around main arteries will give me a thumbs up if I’m being noisy, contrary to what we can expect in the more serine neighborhood settings, hehe. Go figure.

Oh, my favorite characteristic of the sound is that gurgling and popping noise it makes when decelerating. You know the one. You’ve heard Harley’s make it. Sometimes that can be pretty loud too, spooking animals and people alike. It makes me melt.

The bottom line on sound: To me, the car didn’t have a sound of its own before--mean car; no exhaust note (is it running?). Now, it has its own sound, which is a sound befitting the car, IMHO. Sometimes I have to consciously make an effort to keep the volume down and sometime it’s just a little louder than would be my preference (and I certainly wouldn't want it any louder). Still, considering the performance enhancement, the former heat issues, and the character improvement overall, I wouldn’t personally trade it for anything less. For those considering something a little quieter, however, I understand that if you use ceramic cats, as opposed to steel cats, you’ll drop a few decibels in exchange for a little more heat and a little less power gain.

I hope this helps.

So how do you get that little picture to post under your name? I can’t seem to figure that one out. Oh, and I was courous as to what kind of camera you were using, if you don't mind sharing. You take some really nice shots. Thanks for sharing them!

Best regards,


Apr 26, 1999
Reaction score
Overland Park, KS
Actually Vipermad (with an "a") is the guy you want for your avatar - Vipermed is a different guy altogether. You are also welcome to send me the picture you want and I will get with Tony to get it added.

As to the camera, I use a Casio QV-4000 with 4.1 megapixels. It is a very good camera that I think is now on its third year with me. May upgrade the camera at some point, but that darn exhaust has me thinking!

Great to have you on board and thanks very much for posting the before & after dyno numbers as that is a big factor for me on this rather expensive purchase. Looking forward to see your avatar!



Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
Darnestown, MD
Russ, congrats!

I have the same mod on my 03, except my Corsa exhaust uses crossover. I haven't dynoed mine yet, but plan on doing it soon (maybe on May 1 when Jason is holding a dyno day). Based on your results, I guess I know now what to expect.

Your description of the sound quality seems to fit mine as well, but we will have to compare side-by-side to see if there's any difference. I agree with you 100% on the "gurgling" and "popping" action. Even my 8-year old daughter's in love with that! :cool:

As to future mods, definitely ask Jason to change the gear ratio. I was a little reluctant before the change, but that change (along with the ones you got) has really made the car come ALIVE! Did you know that the upshift arrow on the tach actually turns RED when you hit the redline? With the gear change, you'll see that happen so fast, your heart will skip a beat the very first time (from seeing something RED light up in the instrumentation panel while flying through the gears). :eek:

Again, congrats and hope to see (and hear) you and your beautiful snake soon.



Nov 8, 2000
Reaction score
Redwood City, CA
I would recommend ported heads as your next mod. They really wake the car up from 3200RPM+, and there's no downside to noise/driveability.

Vipera Russelli

Mar 9, 2004
Reaction score
Chris and Bad Asp—thanks for the feedback on the picture procedure.

Soo--Thanks for the Congrats. I couldn’t be happier. And as far as the 3.55 diff goes, I forgot to mention that I had Jason install that as well (I just changed my signature). In fact, Jason told me that the first set of mods on the SRT-10 is typically the exhaust and the differential (I guess he was talking about you!), so that’s the way I went. JonB was also a great source of information on the differential change. Now, having had first hand experience with it myself, I agree with all of you—it’s a flipping great modification! Now, I shift when my intuition tells me I should be shifting (which is sooner than the stock 3.07), and I blow right through the skip-shift so quickly that I’ll never get hit with it again. Amazing performance increase, or so says my butt dyno anyway.

I’ve seen the red shift light once with I misshifted at high speeds, but haven’t seen it since because I’ve been in the break-in period and keeping the rpm below 4000… that is until yesterday when I finally hit 1000 miles. Now I’m playing in the area between 4000 and 6000 rpm and the car is, well, MUCH MORE POWERFUL than I previously imagined! WOW! I love learning to drive this car! It’s frightening how powerful is the snake. Muhahahhahahaha!

Sportsdude—I have no idea. Chris just lucked out and got a monster stock car. I do remember reading a third-party review article when the SRT-10 first came out that said that their specific test car dynoed in at 570 at the flywheel (I don’t remember if it was tq or hp), which certainly got me excited. Of course, that was followed by the valve issue, which was depressing. I salivated for a year while things settled down and the bugs were worked out and still ended up with south-of-average stock power. Nevertheless, assuming a power loss of 14.5% in the driveline, my stock rear wheel horsepower and torque still came out to a respectable 506 and 547, respectively. I think Chris’s car ought to be left to science for dissection and investigation—that is once it finally dies after a long, full, healthy and happy life. :2tu:

George and Treynor—Funny you would mention it. Jason and I are already taking about ported heads and a new cam, hehe. I told Jason I had the bug, and he responded “And so it begins.” I can seem myself in the not too distant future: “Hi. My name is Russ and I’m a Viper ******. I haven’t upgraded my Viper in three weeks, two days, seventeen hours and thirty minutes, and I (gulp) like it…” :crazy:

Mash—It’s my understanding that K&N doesn’t yet make filters for the SRT-10, but Green does. Is that so?

Bill Pemberton Woodhouse

VCA Member
Supporting Vendor
Jul 25, 2000
Reaction score
Not sure on the K&Ns, though, as our tests seem to indicate they are too small and don't flow as well as stock ( size issue ). We are firm believers on the K& Ns on the Gen 1s and Gen IIs , but questions still arise on the ones for the new car. Jason is a class act and he treats all the Snakes he works on with TLC. Congrats and enjoy going *******,ha!


Jan 14, 2003
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zealand
Welcome Vipera

Great results from just an exhaust upgrade as the stock exhaust is actually quite efficient.

With head and cam you could expect around 540rwhp - which I'm sure Jason has advised. You would definitely feel that increase and with those gears - you will take on some of the road bikes from a highway roll on :2tu:

If it gets too loud - you can always twin turbo to quieten it down

hahahaha :D

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