Thank You to DC / SRT-10

Craig 201 MPH

Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Toronto Ontario, Canada
That's simply why it's the best car company in the world period!
Yeah sure it's changed since a D was added, but there's still Dodge and Chysler. Way to go DC, I bet they're smiling in auburn hills this morning.



Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Southern California
Its not all cherries, just like the BCS this DC program has flaws. I have owned my Viper since the summer of '99, thats longer than some of these owners who are eligible for certificates. I could have bought a new one but I bought used because the color (yellow) I wanted was not offered on a new car. I searched for 2 long years for a yellow rt/10 with tan interior so technically I could have bought a new one way back in 97. To make things worse what I paid is pretty **** close to what the original owner paid because of that "premium" that yellow cars demanded. Now I hope that after all the certificates are given out to owners of new Vipers that DC gives certificates out to those who have stood by the brand over the years by owning a Viper used or otherwise. Maybe all owners who owned a Viper prior to the release of information regarding the certificate program. I am somewhat upset that I can't be first like the rest of you, but no big deal I can wait, second in line isn't so bad. However, if I have to be lumped with the general public then I will be REALLY upset.

Mike Brunton

Oct 3, 2000
Reaction score
N. Andover, MA

I was thinking about this the other day... and I think Dodge did the only thing they could. After all, how can they verify that you are the current owner of your Viper? For any given VIN#, Vipers may have had 2, 3 or more owners. They would need to ensure that only current owners get certs. Or why even limit it to current owners? What about guys who owned Vipers for years, but just decided to sell last month? Aren't they good candidates to get certificates? I'd say so. So, if you allow anyone who ever owned a Viper to get a 2003, how do you prove each person owned the car?

Second, and I don't mean to sound rude, but anyone buying a used Viper didn't really do anything for Dodge in terms of money. Dodge doesn't see a dime from anyone who bought used. Some can say they are "good" VCA members - but that still doesn't mean they added to Dodge's bottom line. And how do you define "good VCA members"? How mad would the people be who didn't make the cut?

But the real answer is that Dodge had an idea how many they were interested in giving certificates to. They can't realistically give all 12,000+ Viper owners certificates... but how do you exclude only some? Do you do it by length of ownership? Not fair to the new buyers really. You can't do it by VCA membership, because all new owners get a year free from the VCA.

So I think Dodge did all they really could do. They had to create conditions that were reasonable and fair to everyone... they had to reward the "most loyal" of people (people who contributed to their bottom line by buying a Viper from Dodge through a dealer), and they had to create a group that was not so small that nobody qualified, but not so large that they give out more certificates than they have 2003 Vipers.

I think they did it just right (of course, I am a member of the "lucky" group), but I don't think anyone would be able to propose another method that is easy to manage, fair to everyone, does not create too big or too small of a group, and rewards people who actually did something for Dodge.

I give the guys/gals at Dodge all the credit in the world for doing the program this way. They did exactly the right thing!

Thanks Dodge


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Southern California
I'm not really saying what they did was wrong, but hey why should I be lumped with the general public? I could have added to their bottom line, I was willing to pay for a 97 in yellow whatever the cost but I was told NO by the dealership. I shouldn't be shafted because Dodge chose to only offer the car in two or three colors. Similarly I am not asking to be rewarded with those that bought new. I just want a shot at this before it goes on sale for the masses. Afterall just because I didn't put a few pennies in the DC bank roll doesnt mean I havent done anything for Dodge. I chose a Dodge over every other make, I recommend Dodge to prospective buyers, and I drive a Dodge. When the Viper first came out Dodge was synonymous with Bundy mobile as in AL BUNDY, well I was saving my money and telling everyone how I wanted a Dodge if thats not being brand loyal and supporting a certain make then I dunno what is. Its easy to jump on the Dodge bandwagon these days especially after all the success the GTS-Rs have had and all these bandwagoners have the same shot at getting the GenIII as I do. Fair? I think not, but hey so goes the life of someone named Al. One last thing, I can prove that I still own the car it is registered in my name with the state and I have the paperwork from back in 99 when I took ownership, maybe I just see it simpler than it really is. I have no ill feelings to all those who have certificates, I hope everyone enjoys their new car, eventually I will too. =)

Steve Ferguson

Aug 4, 2000
Reaction score
Burr Ridge, IL
In order to own a Viper, some of us have had to sacrifice personal choice in the color. If given the choice the only color of car I would own is white. Now when it came time for my Viper to arrive I was told "red, or wait"? Well I wanted a Viper, so I made the deal. Now for years it has aggravated the hell out of me to own a Viper in a color I CAN'T STAND. But at least I have the Dream car I desired.

The reward that comes with making that "not so perfect" purchase is being included in a rewards program. But if I made a decision to NOT purchase a NEW viper then I alone am the one who must deal with the end results.

You get the color Viper you desire. I get the Viper I want and the chance at purchasing the newest version (again NO WHITE). To this It appears that Dodge has been very loyal, at least to the customers that bought the product from their dealers. Now how would they have known if used Viper's were even purchased at a Dodge dealer? It could have been a Ford or Chevy dealership for all they would have know? The only thing they could do was done. Hey did the Vette guys get first dibs at the ZO6, NOT!


Jul 27, 2000
Reaction score
Severna Park, Maryland
Exactly right Steve, the zo6 is a dealer auction every year, increase the horsepower and let the dealers gouge. Especially the poor 2001 guys, now the hp is up and the value is down. Dodge gives warning and takes care of everyone has bought new. I would be willing to bet that no one on this forum owned more corvettes than me, or had more corvette history. Still original owner 69 big block, but Dodge has made me a convert, when has there ever been a Corvette owners invitational?


Jun 19, 2001
Reaction score
Western New York, USA
I could have easily have been in the same situation your in.
I was just lucky enough to wait it out.

But i agree any viper owner who is in the VCA should be second in line and not lumped with the general public.

The guy who owns a vett should not be standing in line next to the guy who owns a viper!!! It would be easy enough to do after all first round certificates are out then go second round to the vca members with legit viper vins. get a certificate.
Then on the general public.

I hope you get one before John Doe.
best wishes

Steve Ferguson

Aug 4, 2000
Reaction score
Burr Ridge, IL
Paul, fortunately for us John heads up the ENGINEERING of Viper, but unfortunately, he has no final decision on the color. I do not know why, but the color design team has proven over and over that they are more qualified to be working for the Ray Charles institute than they are at picking out fun color's for Viper!

As usual John was right!

Y2K10 SRT#39

Jul 21, 2000
Reaction score
Olympia, WA, USA
Loved your note---
I'll take Purple, lime green, or many of the other colors Joe put on the board. Graphite is Soooo close to black, and silver is sooooo dull.....
I REALLY figured with this car, Dodge wanted to make another STATEMENT.....but I guess they don't. They want to hide the car.
NEON's were more colorfull!!!!
I NEED a YELLOW 2003!!!!!!!
John.... Help me here!!!!!!!

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