The Three Sisters are coming.....


Jul 23, 2008
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San Antonio, TX
I know there have been a LOT of you waiting at the edge of your seat for more info on the Three Sisters Run... well your wait is finally over! Our own Mr. Larry Hudler has gone to great lengths to put together an event that will be etched in your memory for years to come. I encourage you, as a VCA member and as a Texan, to come out and experience one of the best roads ever built in this great state of ours. As you can see, Larry has thought of everything. Many may even make a weekend out of it. I will start a thread on the forums for this as well. Feel free to contact Larry, myself, or any board member with questions you may have. We will get them answered ASAP for you. This is going to be a GREAT run! :drive: Many thanks go out to Larry for his time and effort on this one. :2tu: Larry has composed the following announcement for all fellow Viper Club members:

Hello Viper Community!

The Swiss Alps of Texas will be conquered with the roar of our Vipers. :headbang: For map click: (See original description below at bottom.)

WHEN: Saturday April 21st, meet at 8:00 AM and leave at 8:30 AM.

WHERE: Meet at Panera Bread, Blanco Road @ Loop 1604, San Antonio, (Target Shopping where Coffee & Rides meets). For a map click:

FUEL: A semi-full tank will get you to our gas stop in Leakey, TX, but at least have enough fuel to make it to our first stop in Bandera, TX, (45 miles).

WHAT: We will leave Panera Bread at 8:30 for a two hour ride to Leakey, but we will stop half way at the large Exxon station on HWY 16 as we enter Bandera, TX, (for those with small bladders after coffee like me). In Leaky we will stop for fuel and snacks at the corner of RR 83 & 1120, it's a large Stripes gas station (10 fuel pumps & a Subway sandwich shop). We will have about 20 minutes at the Stripes and then get back on RR 83 north for a half mile, then turn left (west) on RR 337 and pass the Bent Rim Grill and Frio Canyon Motorcycle Stop where we will meet for lunch after the 96 mile Three Sisters run. The loop run will take 1.5 to 2.0 hours depending on your speed. I will pass out maps to everyone as we get started. On the Three Sisters loop we can ride as a group or feel free to blast on if you want, (just watch out for motorcycles) . We will meet back at the Bent Rim Grill, about 1:30PM for great burgers & drinks on the back porch while we share stories of the exciting ride. (Live entertainment is scheduled for that day.) When full we will head back to the Stripes gas station to top off our tanks before the drive back.

LODGING OPTIONS: Option 1: The Drury Plaza Hotel, 823 N. Loop 1604 East, 210-494-2420 is about a mile from Panera Bread. It has limited access structured parking, (you have to have a room key to actually get in the garage). They have a guard between 10:00 PM and 6:00 AM and full security video. Rates are about $119. Option 2: Make a Hill Country weekend out of it and go to Concan TX on the beautiful Frio River. Concan, TX is 20 minutes from the Stripes gas station on RR 83 in Leaky, TX where you can meet up with the main group at about 11:00 AM Saturday morning. Two suggestions for where to stay, Neal's Lodges or River Rim Resort. Keep in mind there is nothing fancy in Concan, I drove both of these properties this weekend and talked to the managers, although no "secure" parking at either, they seemed real OK to me. Neal's Lodges (830 232 6118) has asphalt drives to about half of their units and they have a restaurant across the street. River Rim Resort (830 232 5758) has crushed compacted cinder drives which again were OK to me. Both are right on the Frio River and neat places. River Rim is out from town and very quiet while Neal's is in "town" with a few other things happening around it. Both are "lodges" so check with them for details, (at River Rim Resort you have to bring your own sheets). It really is a cool part of the Texas Hill Country if your looking for something different.

DRIVING DETAILS: I will have maps for everyone at Panera Bread, but for those that want the details ahead of time. From Panera Bread we will Drive Loop 1604 west to I.H. 10 North to HWY 46 West in Boerne, TX. We will go 11 miles west on 46 to HWY 16 where we will go another 11 miles to Bandera, TX where we will stop at the Exxon gas station. Then we will continue through Bandera on Hwy 16, 12 miles to Medina TX were we will turn left (west) on RR 337 and travel 20 miles west to Vanderpool, TX where we will make a right on RR 187 for about a mile then turn left on the continuation of RR 337 and go 14.5 miles to Leaky, TX. (Note the great elevation changes and hair pen turns...some with 10 mph signs. Also, watch out for motorcycles and even bicycles.) In Leakey, TX at the blinking red light which is RR 83 we will turn left (south) for less than a mile at the blinking yellow light, RR 1120 where we will stop at the Stripes gas station. From the Stripes we will go back on RR 83 and return to RR 337 where we will turn left (west). After about a half mile you will see the Frio Canyon Motorcycle Shop and the Bent Rim Grill, (both are in one building). We will continue 22 miles on RR 337 to Camp Wood, TX where we will turn right (north) on 55, we will travel north for 4.5 miles to Barksdale, TX and pick up RR 335 on our right. Travel 29 miles north on RR 335 to HWY 41 where we will turn right (east) for 10 miles to RR 336 where we will turn right (south) and travel 28 miles back to Leakey. In Leakey turn right (west) on RR 337 and go to Frio Canyon Motorcycle Shop & Bent Rim Grill. Before their big white sign at the fork in the road, angle left onto Cattail Road so you can enter the side parking lot and park in the grass out away from the building.

Let's keep our fingers crossed for great weather! It will be a great ride!

Any Questions - Contact Larry Hudler direct at [email protected] or feel free to reply to this and I will get your questions answered.


Feb 4, 2009
Reaction score
San Antonio, TX
I wanted to post a VCA friendly video (no speeding, crashes, etc.) :D If folks do look on the `tube they'll find tons of "fast forward" motorcycle videos - watch the lean angles....yep, it's a great set of roads!!!!

I can't wait!


May 31, 2011
Reaction score
Seguin, TX
Thanks for the reminder Chris. Will be there. Thanks also goes out to Larry for setting this up. !!!


May 31, 2011
Reaction score
Seguin, TX
Awesome event.

To all that attended - thank you for coming and making this more memorable by being part of it.

To Larry - thank you sir. !!!!!

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