I usually listen to Tom because he is mighty fast. Almost as fast as PMUM.
I have it on good authority that they both cheat. I heard from Tom that Stick-Um works great on Pilot Sports.
Tom's pressures seem a bit low. According to the Michellin rep at Viper Days, their tires grip best when hot pressures are between 40-42 psi. In my limited experience, I lose grip (spin wildly out of control), when my hot pressures hot are in the 37-38 psi range. Grip seems much better in the recommeded ranges. I don't know how these pressures will translate to cold pressures at Willow Springs.
Seeing that Tom is probably 1 minute faster at Willow Springs than I, you should realy consider who's giving the advice. As an aside, I am installing my anti-Tom Glenn mods in the next few weeks so that I can narrow that gap down to 30 secs.