Sparky- I have a similar problem. Not with 6th but from 6th to 5th. Now reverse has become "problematic". I agree with Craig on the numbers matching thing. I think I will go through a local transmission shop on this one. Have them rebuild mine. My car is out of warrantee. Looks like a winter project.
I can go through 1st thru 5th fine but when i go to put it down in 6th it grinds. ive tried it slow and fast still does the same thing. to get it in gear i pull it down and let it grind and let out the clutch then a **** noise or a pop and it goes in. drives fine when i finally get it in 6th. anybody have any ideas? thanks
Take it to the dealer and get another transmission. Several Vipers have had this problem including my own a few years back. I believe that there is a service bulletin for this problem and it will be replaced at no cost to the customer.
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