Thank goodness Viper Quarterly pops through my letter box 4 times a year, or as you can see I'd go barking up a tree with the UK mags print!
Being of UK citzenship, allow me to somewhat explain: "rational reason why might be interested" ...well, they couldn't put to print: it will make you very F*cking excited, that's what they really wanted to say! "Massively expensive" ...Yes, us Brits get ripped-off, 27.5% taxes on top of $70k, and shipping costs (swallow it [no rude jokes!] gulp, still an awesome car for for the money!). "Pig to drive" well fussy little narrow UK roads, but either the guy couldn't drive, or it was a typo he meant it was like a snake to drive, and got dyslesxic over the animal! "TVR cheaper" ...Yeah, it shows in build quality, reliability, etc of TVRs, that's why they almost give them away, they'll be offered next with cornflake box tokens!
Don't get upset over it, I did a long time ago; now I just laugh at them, I don't need to buy mags to know better.
PS with Roes SC 488ci feels more like 732 ci!