So I finally take my wife Liz out for a ride in "SOOSLOW" yesterday, as she hasn't ridden in it since its transformation. It's a cool NorCal evening out, and with cold tires I'm being very mellow on the drive as we get onto the freeway. I pull out to pass a slower-moving car, and feather in a small amount of throttle. We accelerate briskly up to about 80 mph in 3rd, the engine note rising but not particularly loud because of the low throttle. When I finish accelerating and shift to 4th, Liz looks over and says "is that it?" with an impish grin
I look my wife in the eye and say "you want me to get on it??" with a look of incredulity. She smiles and says "I want to see what this thing can do. You keep telling me it's fast!"
With nothing but clear freeway ahead of us, I shift back down to 3rd at 70 mph and roll into WOT. The engine lets out a mighty bellow, the carbon-carbon clutch slips momentarily as it builds heat, then grabs, the Viper lunges forward and at about 80 begins to go sideways as both rear tires spin. My wife screams "OH **** OH MY GOD STOP!!!" and I let off the gas. The world returns to normal and we coast down from ~90 mph. About two seconds have elapsed.
I spend the rest of the drive home alternating between laughing uncontrollably and trying to convince Liz that the car isn't as dangerous as it seems, that it's just like when we used to ride a CBR1100XX together (only faster) and that I normally only use part throttle until 4th gear and I only did the 3rd-gear stunt because she egged me on. She's mollified by the time we reach home, and she promises never to provoke me again when we're driving a 1000 RWHP vehicle

With nothing but clear freeway ahead of us, I shift back down to 3rd at 70 mph and roll into WOT. The engine lets out a mighty bellow, the carbon-carbon clutch slips momentarily as it builds heat, then grabs, the Viper lunges forward and at about 80 begins to go sideways as both rear tires spin. My wife screams "OH **** OH MY GOD STOP!!!" and I let off the gas. The world returns to normal and we coast down from ~90 mph. About two seconds have elapsed.
I spend the rest of the drive home alternating between laughing uncontrollably and trying to convince Liz that the car isn't as dangerous as it seems, that it's just like when we used to ride a CBR1100XX together (only faster) and that I normally only use part throttle until 4th gear and I only did the 3rd-gear stunt because she egged me on. She's mollified by the time we reach home, and she promises never to provoke me again when we're driving a 1000 RWHP vehicle