Viper Calendar - IT\'S ALIVE!!
Greetings! As the previous thread was getting heavy, I decided to close it and start a new one here. For those that have missed it, this is a Viper owners project brought to you by Viperclub.org (this website). It is a custom calendar featuring the best pictures of the best Vipers: <u><FONT COLOR="red">YOURS!</FONT c></u>
Yep, the finest GTS's and RT/10's on the planet will be on this inexpensive custom calendar. This is a NONPROFIT deal: It is by owners for owners. Nobody makes a penny, except perhaps the calendar company. YOU will choose the images that appear in your calendar. You can even choose the month that they appear. This is YOUR calendar built to YOUR specifications. How about that!
Jon McGuire has been tirelessly working on the images sent thus far. His work is phenomenal! He started with some pretty awesome pictures and made them even better. Each is customized with the information about the car and it's owner. It also includes some nifty graphics from this site. Now, because we have been given permission to use the Viper logo, you MUST BE A VCA MEMBER TO ORDER THIS CALENDAR. Sorry, no exceptions.
So, <FONT size="4"> click here to see your Viper calendar project so far! </FONT s>
The cost for your custom Viper calendar will be $19.75 each, including shipping. You can choose from the images in the page linked above, or wait a few days for others to be added. If you haven't sent a picture and would like to have yours featured as well, please e-mail me a high resolution photo ASAP. The deadline for pictures is next Wednesday, January 16th. Hope you like what we have done so far!
Greetings! As the previous thread was getting heavy, I decided to close it and start a new one here. For those that have missed it, this is a Viper owners project brought to you by Viperclub.org (this website). It is a custom calendar featuring the best pictures of the best Vipers: <u><FONT COLOR="red">YOURS!</FONT c></u>
Yep, the finest GTS's and RT/10's on the planet will be on this inexpensive custom calendar. This is a NONPROFIT deal: It is by owners for owners. Nobody makes a penny, except perhaps the calendar company. YOU will choose the images that appear in your calendar. You can even choose the month that they appear. This is YOUR calendar built to YOUR specifications. How about that!
Jon McGuire has been tirelessly working on the images sent thus far. His work is phenomenal! He started with some pretty awesome pictures and made them even better. Each is customized with the information about the car and it's owner. It also includes some nifty graphics from this site. Now, because we have been given permission to use the Viper logo, you MUST BE A VCA MEMBER TO ORDER THIS CALENDAR. Sorry, no exceptions.
So, <FONT size="4"> click here to see your Viper calendar project so far! </FONT s>
The cost for your custom Viper calendar will be $19.75 each, including shipping. You can choose from the images in the page linked above, or wait a few days for others to be added. If you haven't sent a picture and would like to have yours featured as well, please e-mail me a high resolution photo ASAP. The deadline for pictures is next Wednesday, January 16th. Hope you like what we have done so far!