So we are getting ready for the first regional VCA meeting of the year. Few in the club have seen the SRT, so we figure we will bring it. Then the weather goes south. Clouds, then cold, then a light drizzle. Undaunted, I decide we will take it anyway. I just KNEW nobody else would bring their Viper, especially Frank "The Garage" SRT (yeah, weird name but blame his parents). Well, turns out that Frank (and his beautiful bride) bring their stunning silver SRT. One other Viper shows up, an awesome black GTS with silver stripes and a wing (gee, for some reason I am really partial to that car). The SRT's are a hit and we have a great meeting (this will be an awesome year for the KC club). The meeting ends and now it is raining. On streets that have been salted the week before. Oh goody.
So we get the usual "you guys were nuts for bringing those cars out in this" and then we head home. In the rain. At night. When it is 38º. No, there is no "black ice disaster" tale here, thank goodness. The insanity took place when we got home. As many of you know, I have this strange habit of actually DRIVING the cars I buy. Weird, huh? Rain didn't bother me (and the car did not leak a drop even at 65 mph) and the wet salt was only mildly troublesome. I told my wife I would wash it tomorrow, knowing she could care less.
"No, you need to wash it tonight", was her reply.
"What?", thinking I had misheard her.
"The car has got wet salt all over a finish you haven't even waxed yet (Zaino'ed, thank you very much)"
"Honey, it is cold, raining, and dark."
"So? Hose it off, get a bucket of suds to wash it, and then rinse it. You can back it into the garage to dry it off."
So, as you will be hearing in my neighborhood for many weeks to come: Some lunatic was out in his driveway at 10:30 at night in the rain when it was 38º out washing his car. INSANE!!
PS. It does look pretty darn good though...
So we get the usual "you guys were nuts for bringing those cars out in this" and then we head home. In the rain. At night. When it is 38º. No, there is no "black ice disaster" tale here, thank goodness. The insanity took place when we got home. As many of you know, I have this strange habit of actually DRIVING the cars I buy. Weird, huh? Rain didn't bother me (and the car did not leak a drop even at 65 mph) and the wet salt was only mildly troublesome. I told my wife I would wash it tomorrow, knowing she could care less.
"No, you need to wash it tonight", was her reply.
"What?", thinking I had misheard her.
"The car has got wet salt all over a finish you haven't even waxed yet (Zaino'ed, thank you very much)"
"Honey, it is cold, raining, and dark."
"So? Hose it off, get a bucket of suds to wash it, and then rinse it. You can back it into the garage to dry it off."
So, as you will be hearing in my neighborhood for many weeks to come: Some lunatic was out in his driveway at 10:30 at night in the rain when it was 38º out washing his car. INSANE!!

PS. It does look pretty darn good though...