Viper Mag Cover poster's


Newport Viper

Oct 17, 2000
Reaction score
Newport Coast, CA
Re: Viper Mag Cover poster\'s

VCA and JR Thompson Announce Joint Venture
Heads up everyone! The Viper Club of America (VCA) has entered into our first-ever Joint Venture (50-50) business agreement with the JR Thompson Company (JRT). For months, the VCA and JRT have been negotiating the details of a project to “un-archive” all the old Viper Quarterly and Viper Magazine covers going back to the very first issue of Viper Quarterly (45 of them in total!), and make them available in 18” by 24” poster-size reprints for interested VCA members. These will be first class in quality, printed on 100 pound weight glossy poster paper. Production quantity is going to be limited to only 250 copies of each one of the individual 45 magazine covers involved, and VCA members will be given ample opportunity via the MEMBERS ONLY area of our website and this email message to you, to buy them ALL! On the off chance that they are not sold out to members, outsiders will only then have the chance to purchase any leftovers. Here’s the deal:
The posters are priced at $10 each. When you purchase the entire collector’s set of 45, the price is discounted down to only $375, plus $24 for shipping and handling. We are setting aside a maximum of 225 complete sets to be sold, so that once those “full set” orders are filled, there can be a minimum of 25 copies of each poster available to eventually be sold individually to members who may not want the complete collection for whatever their reasons. If you have only one or a few favorites, and are quick on the draw once the individual copies are eventually announced for sale in the MEMBERS ONLY section of the VCA Website and by email, then you will have your chance.
Neither the VCA or JRT will be at risk of capital for the project because the ordering and payment for the poster printing will not take place until we have orders for a minimum of 50 full sets, which is projected to provide at least a “break-even” financial result. If, for some reason we don’t get that many orders and elect not to go forward, your funds will be returned.
As an extended part of this project for future issues of Viper Magazine, an “annual subscription” for future poster prints of the next four covers beyond these 45 may also be purchased at the time of your current order, and/or at any time in the future on an annual on-going basis as long as the VCA and JRT may agree, for the current price of $60 per year, which will cover the production cost and mailing of the four most recent cover posters, printed and shipped once during a year, all four at one time. That price may rise in the future.
So, there you have it!!! As you read this message, Viper Headquarters at (800) 998-1110 is set up and ready to take your credit card order IMMEDIATELY by phone during their regular business hours. The deadline for VCA Members to order a reserved set of the VM Poster Covers is Friday, September 1, 2006.
We suggest that you act without delay, as we DO anticipate selling all of the 225 full sets allocated fairly quickly. As most passionate Viper owners are aware, many back issues of these magazines sold out quickly in the past, with some virtually unobtainable now, at any price. Don’t make the same mistake with these posters! Decorate your garage or home with these collectible cover posters offered at a VERY reasonable price, meaning no customary “Viper Tax”!!! Even if you don’t have the space available to display ALL of them right now, we have good reason to believe simply keeping them safely stored in their two large shipping tubes might make a very good investment over time.
We hope you’ll take advantage of this rare opportunity. But, whether you do or not, everyone should very much appreciate the efforts of the JR Thompson Company to work with us to make this project possible.
Steve Wedel
VCA National President


May 20, 2005
Reaction score
New York
Re: Viper Mag Cover poster\'s

If there is someone interested in purchasing the complete set, I would be interested in a few SRT covers.

Mopar Steve

Oct 27, 2000
Reaction score
Newark DE
Re: Viper Mag Cover poster\'s

I questioned if the bar codes would still be in the posters, and was told they are just as pictured unfortunately including the bar codes. Is it just me or does any one else think they would look better without the bar code?

Joe Dozzo

Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Golden, CO
Re: Viper Mag Cover poster\'s

I ordered a set... Would have to agree, WAY better without bar codes

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