Nadine UK GTS
I have always drooled over the Cobra Daytona, (the Cobra Coupe was designed by Peter Brock while working for Shelby back in 1964 to beat Ferrari in the world championships). The most successful of the 6 Cobra Daytona Coupes to ever be built was # CSX2299, the Le Mans winner, nearly 30 years on this car has returned to Europe (briefly from Colorado museum) for the first time ever since then to strut it's stuff again; oh yeah, and is valued at around $6million!! It was on display and on track over here, so of course I was most excited and drove to see I arrived at the Cobra tribute event (which Shelby himself flew into!) it seems there was a mix up of snakes, and I was waved through to the main attraction area!! Anyway, my Beloved Viper and I parked carefully next to our hero car, even if we did shake things up a little sporting a blown V10!