I just came back from Europe where I was constantly the fastest driver on the road running an average speed of 180 to 200km/hr on the highways. I have to say that it is a real pleasure to be around people that really know how to drive. Except fro Viper owners and some owners of other sports cars most people here in North America do not know how to drive. I dont blame the drivers as much as the stupid candyass system here in North America. I was in Germany. Austria and Italy. I was surprised to find out that the highways in Italy are actually betetr than the highways in Germany. Yes there are some speed limits in certain locations in Italy and Germany on the highways. but for the most part most people travel around 150 and the more experienced such as myself would routinely travel over 200km/hr. What is the shame is that our cars are wasted here. One day I will take my car to Europe and let it go free. Free to be where people will move over when a faster car is approaching. Free to be in a system that allows only adults who really know how to drive be behind a car instead of the candy *** stupid ***** who drives 60 miles per hour or 100km/hr on the fast lane and refuses to move ovber no mattger how many times you flash the ******* are taligate him. Road rage is the result of those drivers. Unfortunately the system here will try to tell you that they have speed limits to try and protect you when the truth is they make a lot of money giving out speeding tickets. Oh Well! One day my beast will roam free.