Vipers Invaded Niagara Falls - Thank You!


Apr 15, 2006
Reaction score
Algonquin, IL
Thanks for a GREAT Time!

The Vipers have most definitely invaded Niagara Falls!! Our event has come to a close and as all the Viper Club members departed, everyone knew we had quite a unique time in Niagara. I spoke with the mayor of the city this morning. He congratulated us on a truly great event which benefited both the club and the small town. He said it was the largest privately organized event in the cities history! Who knew!?

Over 225 members, and 141 cars (122 of them Vipers) were involved with the Niagara event!! The weather was perfect, pretty much everything went according to plan and we even added a few twists. The event ended on Saturday with a marvelous car show that stretched for 3 blocks. News of the event has already hit the internet forums, however you might just see something rather significant in both the next VCA notes and Viper magazine… I'm still assembling a pciture pack to several media entities (including Chrysler) so for those who didn't attend, you'll get a sense of what took place.

Media Coverage
There was a lot of media coverage beginning our earliest days in Detroit which included TV, newspaper, radio, and internet. I’ve included just a few links of preliminary articles and video posted regarding the event. I’m sure more will surface given that the event just ended yesterday.
Chrysler Group LLC: Chrysler Corporate Blog - Dodge, Chrysler, Jeep, Mopar, GEM
Vipers Invade Niagara - Car Videos on StreetFire
Car shows attract crowds, donations: Watch the video - Niagara Falls Review - Ontario, CA
Dodge Viper club roars through Sarnia - The Sarnia Observer - Ontario, CA
Vipers invade Niagara during weekend event « The Scoop
Niagara Falls RESTAURANTS, Niagara Falls, RESTAURANTS, Niagara Falls, PUBS, CLUBS, FINE DINING, Movies, Salons, Festivals, Spas, Arts, Attractions, Restaurants, Nightlife, Shopping in Niagara Falls
Pulse Niagara Online Edition
Queen Street Niagara Falls

Recap DVD
We’ve gotten a huge contingent of people asking for pictures of the event taken by our club photographers. Because we were able to take some profound photos, we will be creating a DVD that will contain all the pictures and video clips we took. This is not a DVD to play in a DVD player, but a data disk packed with items for your computer to use the files as you wish. You’ll find pictures of the Detroit Pit stop which includes the “no cameras” warehouse tour, Ralph’s house event, and even the aerials from the plane that we contracted for fly-bys. The DVD will also include thousands of clips and pics from the falls which includes general photography, group photos, behind the scenes pics, viper cruise pics, and of course the aerial photos taken the last day of the event from a 150 foot crane (we made sure to try to capture every car at least several times from the air). I have also received the digital version of the publicity flyers that were shown around the town (many of you wishing you could take one), we will include the file on the DVD as well as clippings and news casts that we pickup on. If you are interested in this DVD, they will be sold for $45. All proceeds go to cover the cost of the little extras like plane, crane, DVD media, and shipping of the DVD. You’ll like what you receive. If you are interested, simply mail your check for $45 (made to Viper Club of Illinois) with a return address included to:

Viper Club of Illinois
681 Saratoga Circle
Algonquin, IL 60102

We’ll begin shipping them shortly in the next two weeks after we collect the pics/video. If you are interested in offering your pictures on the DVD, send a CD of all your pics to the same address above. The more the merrier.

Our Sponsors
This event began to take on some serious numbers of enthusiasts early on. Sponsors stepped up to shoulder the cost of this event. Niagara is known as a very expensive location. And if you checked prices while you were there, you would have noticed the exceptional prices we received on everything from the hotel to the tours. I want to thank our 8 key sponsors who went a long way in keeping these costs down. I couldn’t have created such an elaborate event for so little if it weren’t for many thousands of dollars contributed by these great folks. Please thank them by giving them your business, even a call and thank you goes a long way! In order of contribution:

Dodge Just buy their cars!
IL VCA We thank you for joining us!
Partsrack (360) 837-3937
Roanoke Motor Company (800) 541-6858
Prefix (248) 650-1330
Details by D (248) 390-4646
OnTrack Insurance (866) 638-0505
Northern Trust Bank (800) 388-5316

Our Supporters
Last but not least. A big thank you to all the people who helped and were involved with putting on this event. Forgive me if I miss a couple: Ralph and Doris Gilles, Mark and Jo Schumann, Gus and Gail Pablecas, Steve Loudin, Denny and Ginger Kurzejewski, John and Deb Guyitt, John Gastman, Pat Davis, Rob Buckman, Tim Waedekin, Chris Wohlschlagel, Jesse Hackney, Howie Frank, Matt Feher, Mike Caplan, Bill Sampognaro, Jon Brobst, Bob Mason, Roger Meiners, Nabil Arafat, JR Thompson, Pam Underhill, Caryn Peters, Don Weaver, Stephanie Le, Dan Reid, LouAnn Gosselin, Toni Williams, Christel Romer, Niagara Park District, Niagara Police, Niagara Mayors office, Niagara Event Planning Commission and of course the various volunteers who stepped in during the event from the Viper Club of Illinois! Thank you all.

This club has a truly unique group of people. We all created some truly profound memories and even made a little history. I hope you enjoyed the event! No need to reply with any thank you’s, I’ve already been overwhelmed with the wonderful emails and calls from people. I truly enjoyed doing it and I gained a profound sense of accomplishment just seeing all the smiles on everyone’s faces. You’re all worth it and I had a great time myself!