Y2K10 SRT#39
I got my new issue of VM the other day.
We all know that VM is correct and everything you read there is God's honest truth!
So I'm in a quandary.
For the last two issues of VM, the Western Zone has no Zone Director (ZD).
In this new issue of VM the Director at Large (DAL) for the Western Zone has changed.
I REALLY would like to see the election data that made this so, because I was unaware there even was an election! (gotta re-read the NEW by-laws again!!)
How come we (the Western Zone membership) is under represented at the *** meetings?
If nobody has volunteered to be the ZD... I will if I'm eligible (Now I HAVE to re-read those NEW by-laws!!)!
Former WA Region President (4 years)
Former Western Region DAL (6 years)
VCA member since 1997
Attended every VOI since VOI5
We all know that VM is correct and everything you read there is God's honest truth!
So I'm in a quandary.
For the last two issues of VM, the Western Zone has no Zone Director (ZD).
In this new issue of VM the Director at Large (DAL) for the Western Zone has changed.
I REALLY would like to see the election data that made this so, because I was unaware there even was an election! (gotta re-read the NEW by-laws again!!)
How come we (the Western Zone membership) is under represented at the *** meetings?
If nobody has volunteered to be the ZD... I will if I'm eligible (Now I HAVE to re-read those NEW by-laws!!)!
Former WA Region President (4 years)

Former Western Region DAL (6 years)

VCA member since 1997

Attended every VOI since VOI5
