Re: What car mag\'s do you subscribe to?
Car & Driver - Tried the other Biggies (R&T, Automobile, MT, Autoweek). R&T/Automobile too high brow for me. They review stuff I have no interest in, will never buy. MT has the broadest coverage, but if I want to read about trucks, I'll get a truck mag. Autoweek is my second favorite of the biggies, but I don't seem to "connect" with any of their columnists, especially since Satch Carlson stopped being funny. C&D seems to be the only ones willing to render an opinion. I like that. C&D's likes and dislikes seem to be similar to mine, sports cars. Although, oddly, I don't own a BMW!
Classic & Sports Car - A British magazine. One of my absolute favorites. Columnists are all down to earth enthusiasts, even give updates on the trials and tribulations of their own cars.
GrassRoots Motorsports - Another favorite. The only mag catering to low-buck enthusiasts.
Racecar Engineering - Only mag I know of which specializes in giving a detailed review of the latest racing technology.
SportsCar - National SCCA magazine. HAs improved immensely in the last few years.
Sports Car Market - Dedicated to collector car reviews, advice to collectors, auction reports and price guides. Brutally honest. Where else will you hear an internationally respected Ferrari expert refer to the 355 as "an MR2 with horsie badges"?
TV Motorsports - Obviously, a guide to racing on TV, but also provides some technical insights.
Victory Lane - Very commercial, but published local to me and therefore covers the local scene well.
Vintage Motorsport - Excellent pictures throughout with studio quality photos of the feature car.
Vintage Oval Racing - The only vintage mag covering good ol' American racing.
Vintage Racecar Journal and Market Report - Good articles on
Vintage racers, racecars and periodic, racecar market reports.
Viper -
The Wheel - Local SCCA magazine