Mar 20, 2002 #1 T Toby Enthusiast Joined Feb 22, 2002 Posts 2,589 Reaction score 0 Location Mason, OH (Cincinnati) is this for real? Can you do this?
is this for real? Can you do this?
Mar 20, 2002 #2 L luc Enthusiast Joined Oct 19, 2000 Posts 1,040 Reaction score 9 Location Paso Robles CA go to the GTS board, I posted something about it. Luc.00GTS
Mar 21, 2002 #3 V Viper Wizard Enthusiast Joined Apr 28, 2001 Posts 5,258 Reaction score 4 Location South Salem, NY USA TobyT, That will bite him in the A$$ when it comes time of delivery! The "Viper Police" are watching him and 1badgts, stay clear!
TobyT, That will bite him in the A$$ when it comes time of delivery! The "Viper Police" are watching him and 1badgts, stay clear!
Mar 29, 2002 #4 V viperrwk Enthusiast Joined Oct 8, 2001 Posts 38 Reaction score 0 Location Bethany, CT, USA That's ok - the deal apparently didn't go through - here's the feedback comment the seller left the winning bidder: "Complaint : Bid on Based on his 15 year-old Son's prodding. Did not fully read the auction!! " LOL! -viperrwk
That's ok - the deal apparently didn't go through - here's the feedback comment the seller left the winning bidder: "Complaint : Bid on Based on his 15 year-old Son's prodding. Did not fully read the auction!! " LOL! -viperrwk