<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bill 96 GTS:
.......any experience having the 96 wheels polished or chromed......What were the results? How much did it cost? I'd like to equal the shine on a 2000 wheel.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
The 1996 wheel is CAST. The 1998+ wheels are forged, and polished by a different vendor than 1996-1997. "You can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear" my mama said. Same for 96 cast wheels. Due to their porosity and they cannot be polished to the high mirror gloss of 2000 wheel. The 96 wheels are just inferior.
CHROME is CHROME. Looks great on 96, and is wasted on 2000! It sticks well to the cast wheels. There is a place in CA that charges $250 /wheel. In TX, $150/whl.
OR: PartsRack will sell you real 2000-2001 polished wheels for a good price, and possibly take your 1996's in trade!