\"Your Hidden Viper Cupholder !\"
So, I have almost 100K miles on 3 Vipers, and I JUST discovered the hidden cupholder! Firm, positive, dependable JAVA, right there on the console!
You probably have an insulated mug with a free-hanging handle? They gave em away at VOIs 5 and 6. Handle hangs from mug and looks like the numeral 7 with the tail hanging free. Alladin and other make em. The hanging 7 handle is the key here....
By pitch-dark lucky accident, I discovered that the handle fits down over the E-brake perfectly, and snugly! You can even face the body of the mug toward the passenger, or yourself, without interefering w/ shifting. (reverse requires a careful hand.) I later used the empty mug as a water-soda-bottle holder, and it stayed very snug and safe. Hard braking did not even tip it! No more twisty-backward arms trying to get it out of the cargo-net pocket! [I do have the flatter MGW ash tray---that George will tell you I invented!---- but I think it wont matter.]
I wish I had know about this since 1993..... Sheesh. I hope this belated tidbit adds to the pleasure of driving your Viper as it did mine !