Couldn't find one here either for a friend with a sapphire GTS so his g/f hand painted one with fingernail polish to put on top of his b-day cake. What a gal!
Your right, she is quite a gal. Hey RXVIPER. I ordered the link you sent me from ebay. IT IS SAPPHIRE. I will post a photo of it. Sapphire 1:43 RT10 with silver stripes. I will try to find the link...
Since it's Matchbox, it is technically in the 1:55-1:64 range. Here are a couple better photos from my site (it's a Gen 1 RT/10). But so far the closest thing to sapphire ever issued. Now that I'm a sapphire owner, I'm looking into having 25-30 custom made using factory paint (stripping down a GTS and spraying it).
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Looks like that car could do with the springs being lowered
That's it... Please let me know if you have any of the custom Sapphire cars available to purchase. I would love to get one. What size were you going to use?
Couldn't find one here either for a friend with a sapphire GTS so his g/f hand painted one with fingernail polish to put on top of his b-day cake. What a gal!