Charlotte area Viper lunch - April 18th!


Mar 6, 2001
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Don Smith in the Charlotte area is looking to coordinate a local Viper club luncheon on April 18th, and here's his message:

Just wanted to introduce ourselves, we’re VCA members Don & Corinne Smith from Concord just a stone’s throw from Lowe’s Motor Speedway. My goal is to try and get some of us members from the southern region together for some functions such as luncheons, shows, cruise-ins and cruises. With the large area that the Carolina’s Region covers across two states, this can make it difficult to attend certain Group functions depending on where you live. If you’re anything like me, driving 2 to 3 hours to a function is more miles then I prefer to put on my snake. So my goal here is to hopefully draw some members out with their Vipers who would normally shy away from some functions because of the distance involved (I know that’s been our only obstacle from participating in some Group functions). After a conversation with The President, John Slaughter, we agreed, that if we added more functions across the region, maybe we can draw more Viper owners out. So, with that said, my wife and I will be putting some things together geared towards those of us in the Southern part of our Region. But as always, the invitation is open to all Region members.

It would be fun to just get the cars out and get together with other VCA members over lunch or whatever. Besides all that, the club will pick up the tab!

Our first function we have planned is a luncheon.

It will be at Fatz cafeteria in Kannapolis. It’s a newly developed area with very ample parking for our snakes.

The date will be Sat. April 18th (Rain date Sat. May 2nd) Its located right off of Exit 54 on I85 in the new Ashton Village shopping center.

For those who would like to caravan to the restaurant, I will meet everyone between 10:15 & 10:40 at the entrance to the new ZMax Dragway located on Bruton Smith Blvd. . This is easy to get to. Its exit 49 off of I85 and then just follow the signs towards the speedway. The entrance to the Drag strip is just 1 mile up the road, about ½ mile before you get to Lowe’s Speedway. We’ll depart there at 10:45 and head up to the restaurant. Its not a long drive to the restaurant. Its only 5 miles from exit 49 to exit 54.

NOTE: My rule is, anything over a 30% chance of rain is enough for me to cancel, keep the Viper home and try it again on the rain date of May 2nd. So check the weather forecast that morning.

You can always reach me at 301 643-5588.
[email protected]

If you could, please let me know if you’re coming, so I can give a heads up of our approximate number heading up to the restaurant. If not, that’s okay, we’ll work it out.

Don & Corinne Smith


Dec 10, 2007
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Charlotte NC
Sounds good :)
My car's a little sick right now, but if it is feeling better then I will bring it. Otherwise might come on the bike.


Dec 10, 2007
Reaction score
Charlotte NC
2 Days away!!!
Come on people show some Viper pride and be there:2tu:

I'll be there in my twin turbo (VR4 that is :( )
Hope to see you there!!
Meeting @10:30 at Z max speedway

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