Plans are set for a weekend of fun with fellow Viper Club friends at the 3rd Annual Premier Viper Weekend in Springfield / Branson, MO,— a Viper multi-regional event scheduled to be held October 17 & 18. Last year, we had over 70 people from 10 different states in attendance — and as all of us Viper owners know, you can never have enough...never enough horsepower....and never enough vipers! We invite you to join us this year, for the best is yet to come! Ask anyone who has attended this event in the past, and you'll soon realize this is an event you won't want to miss!
Joining us this year will be our very own National VCA President, Chris Marshall, as well as the GRAILKEEPER himself, Herb Helbig. These two gentleman have more viper stories and knowledge than they know what to do with!
Hotel reservations need to be made no later than Sept. 16 and registrations need to be in by Sept. 25. See links below for event details and registration.
Hope to see you all there!
Joining us this year will be our very own National VCA President, Chris Marshall, as well as the GRAILKEEPER himself, Herb Helbig. These two gentleman have more viper stories and knowledge than they know what to do with!
Hotel reservations need to be made no later than Sept. 16 and registrations need to be in by Sept. 25. See links below for event details and registration.
Hope to see you all there!