Okay, so Tito sent me some free samples as I am an Adams guy and swear by the stuff... I applied the Turbo Wax by hand to the hood of my Viper waited 15 minutes, then removed the wax by hand. It came OFF the car probably EASIER than the Adams Butter Wax, which is the main reason I even use that stuff. At first I thought the hood was was really nice and shiny. I didn't use the car for a day or 2 after. When i pulled the car out of the garage, I scratched my head because i did not understand why the hood looked different than the rest of the car. I honestly forgot i had waxed ONLY the hood. THe rest of the car has plenty of coats of adams wax and details spray so its shiny and protected...but the hood honestly looked like GLASS. I could not even believe the difference between the adams and Turbo. I was sold after i took the wax off the car, but honestly the shine is rediculous. I would post photos, but IMHO, photos never really show how good a car's wax it, its mostly in the camera, however is someone really wants pics I will do it. I will be ordering Turbo wax this week. Thank you Tito!