Is it just me or are these forums getting more and more hostile every day?
A guy posts a great Viper for a great price, reasons for which don't matter to anyone but the OP, and gets yelled at for tarnishing Viper values! So he raises it, and gets made fun of for raising the price. So then, realizing that he shouldn't be listening to what everyone else is telling him from behind their keyboards across the world, lowers it back to make a fast sale....and gets crapped on again. Seriously, if "people" don't have any valuable input, "people" should just stay out of threads.
I don't understand where all this hostility towards everyone is coming from? The "recession" catching up with everyone? Wive's not putting out? Who knows...
My mom always told me, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." School also taught me the golden rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
OP, beautiful Viper and an amazing price. Like I said earlier, if I hadn't just lost my job, I would be all over this like white on rice

Good luck with the sale!