Team Dodge reminded me today that the first Viper Cup broadcast is on Versus TV tomorrow Jul 24 at 2 pm EST. Set your DVR's. 

Man Guyzz, it was kool watching the New Track Snakes Running wild at 160 MPH! It was a proud moment in the BBG household watching the ACRX's running the =BAD BOYZZ SERIES= headers! Our new favorite channel is VS.![]()
Here are a few photos I took off the TV with my IPhone, so excuse clearity.
1ST Place
Top 10 Finish
looking good x 2
Toddy G.
VIR Viper Cup ACR-x race #2 Airs Sat 7/31 on VERSUS [Direct TV 603] Dish? Cable?
Virginia International Raceway
Alton, Virginia...Race # 2 SUN July 11, airs July 31 Sat .....2:30pm ET
Can you watch the race online? I do not see them on Versus website.