Viper Wizard
8Th Annual Police Officer Tom Pisco Memorial Pound Ridge Car Show! 
Steptember 18th 2010 [rain date 19th]
Here is the letter from Michael W, Armistead/PBA President:
Pound Ridge Car Show
Here is the web site: Pound Ridge Car Show
Here is the registration form: 10 Registration 4-20-10.pdf
Almost $10,000 in Raffle Prises! All Proceeds to Benefit the Pound Ridge PBA Community Programs.
Last year there were over 250 cars including 27 Vipers!
We had the most cars for any one club and Thank You all who participated!
Lets see if we can do at least that again this year. 
Photos from last year: Pound Ridge Car Show
This year we will meet here "Tator's Garage" at 0800 for "Deviled Eggs" and refreshments.
Questions 914-763-3136

Steptember 18th 2010 [rain date 19th]
Here is the letter from Michael W, Armistead/PBA President:
Pound Ridge Car Show
Here is the web site: Pound Ridge Car Show
Here is the registration form: 10 Registration 4-20-10.pdf
Almost $10,000 in Raffle Prises! All Proceeds to Benefit the Pound Ridge PBA Community Programs.
Last year there were over 250 cars including 27 Vipers!

Photos from last year: Pound Ridge Car Show
This year we will meet here "Tator's Garage" at 0800 for "Deviled Eggs" and refreshments.

Questions 914-763-3136
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