Viper Owner
i would never carry an extinguisher. I DONT WANT A HALF BURNT CAR !!!
PS: roe has the nicest one ive seen
I agree....If my car caught fire let it burn...that's why I have insurance....
i would never carry an extinguisher. I DONT WANT A HALF BURNT CAR !!!
PS: roe has the nicest one ive seen
.....kinda like carrying a gun, really? do you really need a gun.? maybe if your in the hood alot
Jon, didn't you used to sell a fire extinguisher on your site? I sware I thought I remember seeing a picture of one within the inventory listed on your site....I just looked before and didn't see one, so I thought I'd ask.
Speed Tactics
check out there Gen2 fire extinguisher bracket![]()
I bought a fire extinguisher the moment after I saw a video of some guy filming (on his phone) his Viper burning to the ground.....I'd be crying if I couldn't do anything and watching my car turn into a useless blob.
i would never carry an extinguisher. I DONT WANT A HALF BURNT CAR !!!
PS: roe has the nicest one ive seen
This video stands out from a few years back. It starts off so good. DODGE VIPER SRT10 WRECKED 766 hp - Car Videos on StreetFire
I agree with Plum... and here is why.
A couple of years ago I pulled up in front of my wife's school on field trip day. The mom of one of the other students pulled up in a newer Ranger Rover. Smoke was coming from the dash and from under the hood.
We opened the hood and I saw that it was an electrical fire so I ran to my car, and grabbed a wrench. Now the smoke is really pouring out. I disconnected the battery while she called the fire department. Fortunately, the fire did little damage. I felt good thinking that I done my good dead for the day.
A couple of weeks later, I saw the mom again and asked her about the car. She got all fired up and said, "You should have let it burn. The insurance won't cover the repair and now I am fighting with the dealership!"
So, unless there is somebody inside, burn, baby, burn!
Almost lost my TT.....
Oil return came off the turbo...
Thank God I had an extinguisher in the car!!!! And a second extinguisher in my truck, which the gf was driving behind me....
I replaced the extinguisher and had a halon system installed within a week.....
Scared me so much I had halon and an extinguisher installed in each car I own...
Cheap considering what the loss could be....
Its always fun showing my stupidity. What is a St Christopher?
In the Viper I now carry a BIG Co2 extinguisher strapped down in the rear and in my daily driver Van I carry 2 extinguishers
Mounted in front of the passenger seat...Halguard - H3R Performance - Model HG250R
You know the more I think about this, my mind is kinda changing from when I originally posted this thread. Plum and some others make sense; If I'm fully insured, so I really want a half burned car? Probably not, so the only real question is, would repairing the car if it happened and I sustained a good amount of damage be better then just being paid for the "totalled" value, most likely not, plus it would have a fire history. Hmmmm, I don't know anymore, I see both sides now.
Does anybody know how bad the powder in the extinguisher is for the paint, electrical corrosion, etc. I thought the powder can often cause more damage than a small fire since it's very corrosive, especially when mixed with water. Etches paint, gets into electrical connections, etc.
Anybody know for sure?
If the vehicle has started to really burn, the small extinguishers shown in the pics (the kind mounted to the front of the passenger seat) usually won't be enough to make a dent in the fire, it puts out the flame then the fire usually re-ignites.