BRAND NEW and of course... Need Help... Big Time


Aug 12, 2024
Reaction score
Dallas, TX
Hello Everyone! So excited to finally be a member to the SRT-10 Family. SO far my experience has been nothing but HELL. before I lose all self discipline and respect I thought, instead of just reading the forums for How-Tos, how about you fill everyone in and participate. So, Hello My Friends!!

Ok, Backstory: When the SRT-10 First came out I was in College. I told myself "One Day, I'll Make You Mine." So I worked and worked and did life. Forgot all about that novelty, until it happened. I saw one, in front of me while at a stop light. I sat in awe, and went home to plan a project and funds. Then... I shamelessly binged the web for all the aftermarket parts, how to videos, and bought kept buying stuff. Mind you, I rationalized this behavior because well 20 years had gone by and, it was a sign guys...a sign from the Viper gods...right? I sigh... ok, Well then I got impatient, waiting for my cherry specimen to purchase. And so, when I found a decently priced single owner rarity with gorgeous photos from a not-to-shabby online vendor many states away... I pulled the trigger. Finally the ear for all the earrings I collected.

Weeks go by, work and life continue, and while in a meeting I got a call from a a delivery driver stating he was 30 minutes away. I scrambled, made an excuse, left the meeting, got stuck in traffic, and finally met the guys. Signed, and finally got my first look at the truck. AND?????

It was a sad, and I mean sad sad day... I mean total placid let down. I Got in it, everything was early 2,000's plastic and worse, it smelled. No biggie I was still fighting for that enthusiasm, after all I'm planning a fell resto right? So, I turn the engine over, and the sound...well... it was disappointing... I was expecting more, perhaps from all my dreams, online viewings, fantasies, and untrustworthy college day memories. But still, I'm trying to be excited, so I put it in D, and the truck chirped (mind you...I was literally just shifting from P to D). Now I was really regretting younger fantasies. So I took it home, and while in this brutal Texas heat, realized... well ShXt! NO, A/C. Now, I was truly raging not only at myself, but at that dealership and those crap excuses for human beings. I've purchased many toys (exotics) sight unseen. Never had such misrepresentation.

At any rate, I park it. Try to ignore it, and hate my life decisions.

Well about 2 months later, I finished my work project, and wanted to start tinkering. So I looked at my spreadsheet plans for my truck, and thought hell, lets see how she drives.

Took her on the tollway, first thought? Alignment issues? Steering was pulling to right. Worse still was the horrendous shaking. I mean she shook more than my old 7.3L diesel.

I sighed again, and realized why I had been avoiding her for 2 months. I didn't want to accept what I had done.

But here is the kicker... I, flip a U, heading back to the house. She's shaking so badly I didn't even notice all the smoke until a passerby honked and waved me down. I look in the rear view and see nothing by white smoke. 2 seconds later, the dash (which at this point only had a CEL) started lighting up and instructed me to reduce engine speed?

I pulled over, popped the hood and saw an oil bomb.. traced it and the OIL cooler inlet hose was no more... I'm sitting there literally thinking "well hell, at least you bought that part back when you didn't even own the damned thing, and it's in your garage." Waited 3 hours for a tow truck, made it home by midnight, and cursed the damned thing.

A couple weeks later, I was adamant to turn this sad story around. Mentally it was toxic so I flipped the script, and decided to begin documenting this restoration adventure and get plugged into the niche community that is us (and has been y'all).

So this is my story... Bought a ton of NOS and aftermarket parts...Bought the Truck...Had it shipped...Found out it's clean but it's been neglected...Had the oil cooler lines explode on me....put the JTSP ones on...took it for a drive again....AND NOW... it wont shift into overdrive... FML!

SO, no problem right?... Went into my box of goodies I bought, and I found my GM governor solenoid I bought, and the upgraded transducer from ATS diesel... Also found the Derale deep oil pan with air cooler foils.... So decided time for this....

a day and i can't even remeber how many quarts later, and.... SHE STILL DOESN'T SHIFT INTO OD. :(

Found a viper transmission specialist in town...called 4 weeks in a row to get in... Finally got in 2 weeks ago... But he called me and said good new is it's not the transmission. He said it's the TPS.

I said awesome, SO i went into my gox of goodies and decided to install the BBK TB (was going to wait until I removed the intake and valve covers and send them off for cleaning and powder coating before installing it).

SO here we are guys, ya'll are caught up to date.
My question is: When after I installed it, I noticed the cam only has one attachment point...I'm assuming for main throttle cable. I see another cable running behind the engine (I presume it goes somewhere to transmission), and another that goes to the Cruise control servo/vacuum looking thing lol.

I figured, ok, lets see. Well I attached the trottle cable, went inside and turned the motor over it ran, then when I depressed the pedal it felt loose and sloppy, so I tried adjusting the throw length from the TB but it's not enough... oh well, I just wanted to get it home from the shop.

It made it, but then started smoking.

I'm so beaten down by this whole experience, lol. Trying to stay positive but I need help.

Any and all suggestions on how to attach the other cables like they kind of were, adjust the length, and figure out why it's still not shifting into OD would be a massive help.

Thank you in advance and apologies for the novel.

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VCA Venom Member
Venom Member
Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Zionsville,IN. USA
Hi, Leo...welcome to the Forums.

Admittedly, when reading the intro to your story, I was expecting to hear that you had purchased a Viper automobile.
That said, Viper trucks are also cool.

In order to help folks focus on assisting you with both the stated (as well as the implied ) issues, I will directly ask: are we talking about a Viper truck...say, a 2005-6 ? I ask since there is no specific statement to that effect.

This Forum has a ton of collective knowledge, noting that a fair number of people have or do own a Viper truck. Hopefully, these experienced folks will jump in here with viable suggestions.

Since many of the Viper forums have less traffic now than in past years, you might want to consider posting all of this in one of the Viper truck forums for more exposure.

Sorry to say that I know zero about Viper trucks, but I do wish you the best of luck getting the Beast functioning at a level that meets your expectations !!


Aug 12, 2024
Reaction score
Dallas, TX

Thank you for the point out. I indeed am referring to a 2005 SRT-10 Viper truck with the Gen3 motor. I apologize if I inadvertently posted this in the incorrect place. I appreciate your response as any as I mentioned is a ray of hope.
Again, Thank you kindly.


PS - could not find the spot still and don't know what to do.
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