2012 VIPER ROUND UP DETAILS!!!! Spread the word!!!


Jan 10, 2012
Reaction score
San Antonio, TX
losing interest very fast. I didn't join the VCA for the magazine.

+1 - All the self-inflicted drama reminds me of high school, Congress, or the Corvette Club...yikes!

Will be at hotel Saturday night but will arrive in the AM and depart sometime Sunday. Looking forward to it...See y'all then!


Sunday April 1[SUP]st[/SUP]:
Yup, last day…can you believe it is already here! Well, this day will be fun! ART has stepped up yet again and negotiated a half day at Harris Hill…a closed road course…so, keep your cameras on hand, because whether you are driving or watching, it will be loads of fun! We will be leaving the hotel early-ish from the Westin parking lot (times will be presented in your packet when you arrive). IF you have never taken your car out on a track before, then this will be a great learning experience…and no…your car won’t get wrecked or beaten up…just a little road dust that you can get off with your California duster (yes I always keep one in the trunk of my car if you need one J ) After this we will say our goodbyes till next time…I promised myself I wouldn’t cry….

On Sunday, what kind of track / seat time can we expect to get in if we race?


Mar 4, 2011
Reaction score
Austin, TX
Friday March 30[SUP]th[/SUP] :
***note: there are other hotels in the Domain complex…so don’t feel you have to go with that one. I like to promote flexibility. J
So you drive 30 minutes or 15 hours to get to the Westin (I know it is a few bucks more than the last hotel, but trust me, the location being where it is and the quality…well, you won’t be sorry!!!!) hosting hotel where this is going down…you arrive to a parking lot of Vipers. Check out all the Domain has to offer here! This place is amazing and if you aren’t into driving or doing car stuff…then you can spend all weekend just walking around and experiencing all the Domain has to offer!! At this point, I think, wow, this was already worth it ;) You get there Friday late morning just in time to catch the intimate caravan of snakes (leave at 1:00pm from the Westin parking lot, but if you arrive late, you can take the short 30-45 minute drive over and meet us) to slither through Austin over to American Racing Technology to meet up with Todd the Owner of the shop AND a track prepped ACRX that he runs (lunch will be provided onsite) where we have three events taking place:
  1. Cleaning instruction (inside and outside) of our wonderful cars with a professional detailer that has worked on MANY of our Vipers over the years, this guy will teach you so many cleaning tips and tricks that you yourself can use that your head will spin!
  2. Dyno…that’s right, put your car on the dyno for a quick run to see how you motor is running and to make sure that all 10 cylinders are firing ;) Or throw it on there to hear your own exhaust in a garage environment at wide open throttle ;) Oh, and bring your video camera ;)
  3. Tech/BS session J, see the different generation Vipers on the lift and get a perfect view of the differences between the cars and ask as many questions as you want to learn as much as you want
    [*]For the Women in the group (and some men) there will be a jewelry party inside the A/C show room.
  4. Oh…and of course, a bunch of Viper Owners talking and hanging out at a performance shop and telling tall tails of the Viper ownership experiences!

My Wife wants to make sure the Wifes, Girlfriends and Significant others know they are being considered during the day at ART!
I highligted the part above to make it stand out a little bit more and this may help some of you guys with "I don't want to just look at a viper being cleaned or reved on the Dyno".
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got one

got one

Apr 1, 2004
Reaction score
Castle Rock
My Wife wants to make sure the Wifes, Girlfriends and Significant others now they are being considered during the day at ART!
I highligted the part above to make it stand out a little bit more and this may help some of you guys with "I don't want to just look at a viper being cleaned or reved on the Dyno".

Nice Ray! Passengers are just as important :)


Viper Owner
Apr 29, 2005
Reaction score
Austin, TX
Why was this event's budget not able to be made fully transparent?
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got one

got one

Apr 1, 2004
Reaction score
Castle Rock
Why was this event's budget not able to be made fully transparent?

Grayson...pretty simple...it is complicated :p

The Round Up was started by me on my own back in 2007 while I was not a VCA member and Houston and South Central Texas clubs didn’t have much of a VCA going on…just talk to the old timers like me and we can paint the full picture for you. So the Round Up was simple, a relatively centralized place in Texas where all Texas Viper Owners could get together to meet each other, learn about their cars, see different mods, hang out and have a great time! Local shops and such were invited to participate because we wanted folks to know who they could talk to about their cars and mods/etc as well as provide folks with some possible technical insight into their cars. Basically…learn more about their cars. We wanted folks to be able to go to a different city in Texas and actually know by face, other Viper owners…well it seems to have worked!
Shorty after I joined the VCA and was elected to be President of the region, the VCA offered some of the Region’s funds to put on the Round Up. This did allow some more elaborate activities during the Round Up. Every year since, the VCA has been very generous to donate funds from the region in order for the Round Up. Due to a busy family and work life I had allow some other folks to take the lead on organizing activities for the Round Up over the last couple of years. It just happen to be that these folks were past President’s of the South/Central Texas Region of the VCA.
This year I took the lead for organizing the Round Up; while still dealing with an extremely busy family and work life. This year I got a latter start then I have in the past in planning events and when I requested funds form the Texas VCA regions, I got responses for the following:
  • Getting final budgets for things that I could not given I would need a better head count (but they would not promote the event till they got ALL the information…kind of hard to do without letting folks know about the event…which came first, the chicken or the egg?)…
  • Questioning the budgets
  • Questioning the activity
    • Dyno and track events by having to check insurance coverage
    • Limitations on Vendors that could participate
    • Limitations on Sponsor advertising
  • Making this a VCA Member ‘Only’ event that ‘Only’VCA folks are invited to
    • Requiring VCA Badges to be worn during every event.
    • For anyone that may show up that is not a current VCA member will be require to register to become a member or not be allowed to participate.
  • Limitations on communication to the VCA Members
    • WHO would control sending the information and invite
    • How the information and invites would be sent
    • Who would be allowed to see the RSVP’s (i.e…not me)
Things just got to be way to complicated and was requiring way more time then I felt was needed or that I have. I decide that a few dollars was not worth all the stipulations being placed on this event, where the main purpose of this event was going to be lost or confused.
No Vendors or any of the folks that are helping to organize this event are receiving any financial gain from this event. We are doing this out of our love and passion for the Viper and their owners…regardless of clubs they belong to. Times have changed and there is more reasonable accountability in the club, which I can fully understand and that is fine; however this will not impact the purity of this event moving forward.


Jul 23, 2008
Reaction score
San Antonio, TX
I hope this event is as awesome as the rest of them you have put together; they have always been great fun and very entertaining.
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got one

got one

Apr 1, 2004
Reaction score
Castle Rock
Ugh. For the sake of the few folks who actually read this regional forum...my earlier message should have been clear enough.

This is a viper community event...not a strictly VCA event. However, the VCA historically has benefited financially and increased its renewals and new member signups...which is NOT the focus of this event. If the VCA needs more stipulations for donating to a cause it stands to gain from due to an increase in bilaws etc...then so be it...but I don't have time to play 20 questions with Kurt or the VCA and put on a quality event that folks expect from my past round ups.

Grayson, everything was transparent...but nothing was set in stone, and that didn't seem to be enough...combine that with local VCABoard members wanting to start to dictate what was an appropriate and put stipulations on what logistics the event needed before they would toss in 500 bucks or so...and it was easy for a supported decision of...on second thought we don't need that sort of 'help'.

This whole thing was handled poorly on the part of the VCA and the local leadership. But Kurt says he will show support of the event along with other folks as quite a few of us are paying close attention to how this is handled before and after the event. We remain cautiously optimistic.

On a side note... We now have 76 folks signed up!!! This will be a blast! Let's keep things positive and move forward with a great event for the viper community. :)

Smokin' 2

Jun 11, 2007
Reaction score
The Woodlands, Texas
You have painted with an awfully broad brush here regarding 'VCA Regions'. I don't know all of the facts regarding what took place between you and Kurt and frankly don't care about those details. Houston decided to bow out of this drama when it became clear you have an awful lot of infighting over in Austin and wouldn't answer some pretty straightforward questions. Houston had simple stipulations about where our funds were going since the event was issued in budgets as pay as you go. You had one board member of 10 that had a problem with our decision. This was the reason Ivan failed to provide you funds from Houston in the past. Out of Houston we had 2 stipulations:1) tell us where the money would be spent. 2) recognize the contribution from the region. Both of these things did NOT occur the last time Houston contributed funds. At the time Houston's president was left wondering where the contribution was spent.

Here are the facts:
Houston continues to allow threads, totally unedited or deleted, regarding the Round Up. (I for one do not believe in censoring in such a fashion).
Houston is openly marketing the Round Up by running your video on its website.
Houston is organizing convoys to the event.
Houston openly promoted individuals that were inclined to donate in support of the event.
For insurance purposes, it was important for our members to know VCA event insurance would not be in place.
Money was there for the taking, we weren't asking for much out of Houston.

I was done dealing with this topic weeks ago. The back and forth is just old.


Nov 4, 2009
Reaction score
Ft Worth, Tx
I'm already booked at the Domain at the Viper rate and my wife has her flight set up to join us. Regardless of VCA support or involvement, the Roundup is something worth doing to join up with other 'like minded' Viper lovers for a weekend of Texas friendship and fun. I think the room deal is a great one for a 5-star hotel and I'll be staying there for the weekend and doing my best to enjoy the outings that have been set up. Murray went out of his way and I talked with our regional management to try to help, but this is on our own, Guys. If you want to go, I don't think you'll be sorry that you did.

I JOINED the VCA a couple of years ago to get a break on the Roundup, but that isn't a viable option this year. But it's still a fantastic, fun weekend. Hit up the Domain so that we can cover the block of rooms and come enjoy a weekend of Viper owners, both inside and outside the VCA.


Jul 23, 2008
Reaction score
San Antonio, TX
I'm already booked at the Domain at the Viper rate and my wife has her flight set up to join us. Regardless of VCA support or involvement, the Roundup is something worth doing to join up with other 'like minded' Viper lovers for a weekend of Texas friendship and fun. I think the room deal is a great one for a 5-star hotel and I'll be staying there for the weekend and doing my best to enjoy the outings that have been set up. Murray went out of his way and I talked with our regional management to try to help, but this is on our own, Guys. If you want to go, I don't think you'll be sorry that you did.

I JOINED the VCA a couple of years ago to get a break on the Roundup, but that isn't a viable option this year. But it's still a fantastic, fun weekend. Hit up the Domain so that we can cover the block of rooms and come enjoy a weekend of Viper owners, both inside and outside the VCA.

Could not have said it better myself! Everyone should give Murray a round of applause as well!


May 31, 2011
Reaction score
Seguin, TX
Murray ..... :clap:

Even though I live locally, I've got reservations at the Westin at the Domain.
Looking very much forward to seeing everyone there.


Viper Owner
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
San Antonio, Texas
Ready to see the good folks from ART, I know that everone appreicates their support for any Viper related event. Thank you very much.


Nov 4, 2009
Reaction score
Ft Worth, Tx
And many thanks to the hours of preparing and the sponsors for kicking in. Austin, here we come in a few weeks!


Viper Owner
Jan 26, 2006
Reaction score
The weekend can't get here fast enough already packed. lets go already !!!!!!! you'd think the guy putting this event on could of made it earlier,:lmao: o'well just have to wait :(


Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Victoria, TX
Our block of rooms are full:headbang:. Thanks to everyone for calling in and making the reservations:2tu:. The Westin will still honor the rate only if they have rooms available but there are no rooms being held:dunno:. See everyone in 25 days.:drive:


Feb 4, 2009
Reaction score
San Antonio, TX
Can I attend on my Huffy? I'll chip in a NIB 20" Slime filled inner tube & a pair of Bear Claw pedals for the silent auction. The location is worth it. I can eat, sleep & get hammered without my keys!


Jun 15, 2010
Reaction score
Friendswood Texas
Owned Viper almost 2 years - check, been a Venom member since day 1 - check, booked hotel room - check, now what ... just show-up 3/30, am I missing any steps?

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