Friday March 30[SUP]th[/SUP] :
***note: there are other hotels in the Domain complex…so don’t feel you have to go with that one. I like to promote flexibility. J
So you drive 30 minutes or 15 hours to get to the
Westin (I know it is a few bucks more than the last hotel, but trust me, the location being where it is and the quality…well, you won’t be sorry!!!!) hosting hotel where this is going down…you arrive to a parking lot of Vipers. Check out all the
Domain has to offer
here! This place is amazing and if you aren’t into driving or doing car stuff…then you can spend all weekend just walking around and experiencing all the
Domain has to offer!! At this point, I think, wow, this was already worth it

You get there Friday late morning just in time to catch the intimate caravan of snakes (leave at 1:00pm from the Westin parking lot, but if you arrive late, you can take the short 30-45 minute drive over and meet us) to slither through Austin over to
American Racing Technology to meet up with Todd the Owner of the shop AND a track prepped ACRX that he runs (lunch will be provided onsite) where we have three events taking place:
- Cleaning instruction (inside and outside) of our wonderful cars with a professional detailer that has worked on MANY of our Vipers over the years, this guy will teach you so many cleaning tips and tricks that you yourself can use that your head will spin!
- Dyno…that’s right, put your car on the dyno for a quick run to see how you motor is running and to make sure that all 10 cylinders are firing
Or throw it on there to hear your own exhaust in a garage environment at wide open throttle
Oh, and bring your video camera 
- Tech/BS session J, see the different generation Vipers on the lift and get a perfect view of the differences between the cars and ask as many questions as you want to learn as much as you want
[*]For the Women in the group (and some men) there will be a jewelry party inside the A/C show room.
- Oh…and of course, a bunch of Viper Owners talking and hanging out at a performance shop and telling tall tails of the Viper ownership experiences!