Well, issue now solved. Seems the AC system had lost all its charge.
Went down to visit one of the few people I trust enough to touch my car (really, you did not know I was protective of my car? LOL) as I do not have the tools to vacuum an AC system prior to charging.
So I saw Garrett at Raceway Chrysler and it was inspected, checked, neither of us found anything so recharged with dye, inspected, still no signs, so waiting to see. I suspect a slow leak as the last time the system was charged was 2007.
So we will see. Just thought I would give an update for those who search the subject later.
And Garrett if you read this, thank you for being patient with special owners like me.
(Conversation was along the lines of: )
Garrett: Please drive the car in.
Robert: OK Sir!
I drive in and get out of car.....
Robert: OMG! Someone is about to touch my car!
Garrett: Its fine Robert. It will be better soon. I wont hurt it.
Robert: I know. If I did not trust you I would not be here. It was a few sleepless nights admitting there was a job I was not equipped to handle and needed to have someone help.
Garrett: Lets open the hood.
Robert: OMG! The car is being operated on!!
Garrett: Robert, its OK.
Robert: Your right. Were just opening the hood.
Garrett: Lets hook up the AC unit and see what pressure is in it.
Robert: OMG!!!!!

The car is being hooked up to an automotive IV type of system!

What if it was not properly sterilized and exchanges some sort of automotive virus!
Garrett: That is OK. Its just going to take the AC systems blood pressure.
Robert: OK.... (as he breathes again)
Robert: What was that beep!
Garrett: The machine turning on.
Robert: OMG! All is lost!
Garrett: This is going to be a long day......
Thanks Garrett. Your pretty good for a guy that owns a red Viper.