My second round of mods-Car is going to RSI



Dec 22, 2005
Reaction score
Well guys the time has come. Before I say anything I want everyone to know that RSI, Will and associates have been and are nice guys. In no way is this post bashing them or their work. How ever this is a business transaction and all business transactions have obligations. One of these obligations are time frames. In my case, this obligation has been ignored over and over again. Time is money and it's time I put things back in to my hands if I want this project finished in a timely fashion. With that said, if my car is not on the dyno by Friday. I'm making the drive from California to Texas to pick it up and straillering it back to a local California builder.

My car was supposed to be finished last Friday, after already many many delays, I get a call on Saturday stating that nothing has been done and I'm on schedule for this week. This was the last straw for me. The engine and other parts have been back at the shop for 4 weeks now. It's clear they are to busy and do not have enough staff to accommodate all cars.

I've missed out on 3 summer events that I had planned and paid for in advance and now I'm missing car week in Monterey. I'm not going to loose the rest of the good weather with my car collecting dust in some shop. I've been very calm and fair about what has transpired during my build but frankly I have better things to do then worry about wether my car is going to be finished this week or 6 months from now.
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Aug 8, 2012
Reaction score
Well guys the time has come. Before I say anything I want everyone to know that RSI, Will and associates have been and are nice guys. In no way is this post bashing them or their work. How ever this is a business transaction and all business transactions have obligations. One of these obligations are time frames. In my case, this obligation has been ignored over and over again. Time is money and it's time I put things back in to my hands if I want this project finished in a timely fashion. With that said, if my car is not on the dyno by Friday. I'm making the drive from California to Texas to pick it up and straillering it back to a local California builder.

My car was supposed to be finished last Friday, after already many many delays, I get a call on Saturday stating that nothing has been done and I'm on schedule for this week. This was the last straw for me. The engine and other parts have been back at the shop for 4 weeks now. It's clear they are to busy and do not have enough staff to accommodate all cars.

I've missed out on 3 summer events that I had planned and paid for in advance and now I'm missing car week in Monterey. I'm not going to loose the rest of the good weather with my car collecting dust in some shop. I've been very calm and fair about what has transpired during my build but frankly I have better things to do then worry about wether my car is going to be finished this week or 6 months from now.
If you bring the car back on a trailer and let someone else finish it, you open a big can of worms. For one thing, you will release RSI from any liability for their work and for what they have done. If the other guy messes up, he will blame it on RSI and RSI will blame it on him and you will get screwed even more. Best thing to do IMO, bite the bullet and wait, RSI is a vendor on this site and no doubt they do not want bad press. Live and learn I suppose, best to let someone local do this stuff, Bad Boyz Garage is close to you, next time you can try them. At least they are local and you can stop by when something like this happens.


Dec 22, 2005
Reaction score
If you bring the car back on a trailer and let someone else finish it, you open a big can of worms. For one thing, you will release RSI from any liability for their work and for what they have done. If the other guy messes up, he will blame it on RSI and RSI will blame it on him and you will get screwed even more. Best thing to do IMO, bite the bullet and wait, RSI is a vendor on this site and no doubt they do not want bad press. Live and learn I suppose, best to let someone local do this stuff, Bad Boyz Garage is close to you, next time you can try them. At least they are local and you can stop by when something like this happens.

Thanks for the reply Peter. Lets not make the rest of this thread about what everyone thinks I should do as I'm the one walking In these shoes at the moment.


Aug 8, 2012
Reaction score
Thanks for the reply Peter. Lets not make the rest of this thread about what everyone thinks I should do as I'm the one walking In these shoes at the moment.
That was just an opinion. Ultimately, you will do what you think is right for you.


Viper Owner
Oct 1, 2005
Reaction score
Nashville, TN
Interesting........ Hope you get her back soon!

Today is April 12th, figure if it ships out in a week they get the car by May 1st. Honestly, i

f you get your car back by July 4th, I'd be surprised.

If you want anything guaranteed, you need it in writing with financial penalties if they are late. If it's not in writing, don't expect any urgent response in finishing the car in a timely matter.

I'll bet you a steak dinner at any place in the bay area that they won't accept a financial late penalty fee agreement. We do this all the time on construction type jobs, government contracts, etc. I hope they do accept a "promise to deliver date agreement" or face financial penalties so you get your car back on the pre-determined schedule and do a great job for you. (this is one bet that I actually hope I lose)

You deserve to be a happy Viper owner after spending thousands of dollars on an upgrade. The last thing I want to see is you posting on here "my car is still at RSI two months after it was dropped off with constant delays". If you have any concerns, put it in writing so you and they know what is expected....that is only fair for both parties.

Best of luck with the build, it sounds like it will be a monster when complete.



Jun 24, 2009
Reaction score
Vacaville, California
Well it appears that we now know that RSI stands for "Racecar Storage Incorporated"

This is also the vendor the VCA picked to supply the second place raffle prize to be drawn in just over two weeks....seriously???

I think it's only fair that the VCA lets raffle buyers know if the second place prize turbo kit is in VCA possession and or a guarantee of a delivery date and what options are available for the second place winner if the turbo kit is not delivered by said date (maybe a cash buyout??).

Why would you take such a chance with a raffle prize when there are so many reputable VCA vendors out there that give incredible service???


Will at RSI

Aug 9, 2011
Reaction score

You are correct that business is business. If you are simply providing information and updates then do so in a manner that is not skewed to make you look positive or us look negative. Your car came into us for the installation of a used supercharger kit and we discussed a time frame. After that discussion, you decided to have your intake polished, then later added the throttle body to that, as well as requesting that we have the polished parts clear coated to prevent deterioration of the finish. Any time changes are made to a build, especially when the service is provided by a third party vendor, delays will occur and time frames change. Once the car was together, we installed a used AEM that you provided and although it did not work, we did not bill you for the half day of diagnosis before determining the unit need to be sent back to AEM for repair. This of course created additional delay. Once the car was fully assembled and in the process of being tuned, we had the issue with your engine. We notified you immediately and worked to resolve the problem. Unlike other vendors, we simply didn't say too bad and stick you with a 10K+ bill for your engine. I can you some almost free parts and we gave you free labor to help get this handled for you. The charge for the engine rebuild was $3850.00 which included removing the engine with Supercharger kit, complete tear down, full block prep, and hone. Your crankshaft was polished, and fully balanced with a slightly used set of Rods and Pistons with new rings and locks that I charged you $250 to cover the rings and locks. Not only did we surface your heads, but we torn them down, inspected and did a full valve job on them. Then we reassembled everything with fresh Clevite bearings and ARP Main and Head Studs. It was also apparent after we fully tore down your engine that it had been rebuilt previously and was done so incorrectly.
The engine was not back 4 weeks ago like your stated, It has been here for a week as we discussed multiple times. Although we are extremely busy, we pushed your engine work ahead of other builds, we have pushed your assembly ahead of other work, but we simply are not able to drop everything we are doing and work on your car because that is what you want. We value all of our customer and work to fulfill everything as quickly as possible. We have never once treated you or your build like you are less important to us than any other client.

As for your comments George, the VCA turbo kit is ready for shipment immediately upon notification by the VCA of the winner. We choose to donate this item worth 15K+ to the VCA to help support the community.
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Dec 22, 2005
Reaction score

You are correct that business is business. If you are simply providing information and updates then do so in a manner that is not skewed to make you look positive or us look negative. Your car came into us for the installation of a used supercharger kit and we discussed a time frame. After that discussion, you decided to have your intake polished, then later added the throttle body to that, as well as requesting that we have the polished parts clear coated to prevent deterioration of the finish. Any time changes are made to a build, especially when the service is provided by a third party vendor, delays will occur and time frames change. Once the car was together, we installed a used AEM that you provided and although it did not work, we did not bill you for the half day of diagnosis before determining the unit need to be sent back to AEM for repair. This of course created additional delay. Once the car was fully assembled and in the process of being tuned, we had the issue with your engine. We notified you immediately and worked to resolve the problem. Unlike other vendors, we simply didn't say too bad and stick you with a 10K+ bill for your engine. I can you some almost free parts and we gave you free labor to help get this handled for you. The charge for the engine rebuild was $3850.00 which included removing the engine with Supercharger kit, complete tear down, full block prep, and hone. Your crankshaft was polished, and fully balanced with a slightly used set of Rods and Pistons with new rings and locks that I charged you $250 to cover the rings and locks. Not only did we surface your heads, but we torn them down, inspected and did a full valve job on them. Then we reassembled everything with fresh Clevite bearings and ARP Main and Head Studs. It was also apparent after we fully tore down your engine that it had been rebuilt previously and was done so incorrectly.
The engine was not back 4 weeks ago like your stated, It has been here for a week as we discussed multiple times. Although we are extremely busy, we pushed your engine work ahead of other builds, we have pushed your assembly ahead of other work, but we simply are not able to drop everything we are doing and work on your car because that is what you want. We value all of our customer and work to fulfill everything as quickly as possible. We have never once treated you or your build like you are less important to us than any other client.

As for your comments George, the VCA turbo kit is ready for shipment immediately upon notification by the VCA of the winner. We choose to donate this item worth 15K+ to the VCA to help support the community.

Will all great points my friend. But as to every story there are two sides. Will, it doesnt take 30 days to polish an intake and paint valve covers. You knew from the start we were going to do this. I even offered to have this done my self. Ater you informed me that we can do this at your shop, I suggested we use one of your spare cores to save time and start on the valve covers and intake before my car gets there to save time. The AEM set us back 3 days max. The engine was completed by the 26th of July unless you and Paul gave me the wrong information to begin with. Lets not get in to the opinions of "if" my engine was rebuilt before or not as I and other people on this forum have raised their own opinions/concerns of how and why my engine blew up on your dyno to begin with. I still don't have the dyno sheets i requested from that run.

I can write a paragraph or two going over every single one of your points and add my own but I'm not here to start a fight. I just want my car done and finished. I want to be able to leave your shop a happy customer who is able to represent your build and not pulling a trailer full of viper parts and a disassembled car.

I hope that you guys can make the time frame we spoke about yesterday and have my car ready by Friday.


Dec 9, 2010
Reaction score
United Kingdom
My Intake was polished at Mirror Polishing, it took 5 weeks FYI...

Listen, these cars and the way we all want upgrade and make changes half way through are
going to always add time to a job, just chill, im sure everything will be ok, better for them to take time
and do it properly, than rush it an make a booboo.

Ive had cars delayed before, I had a camper that went in to be rebuilt, eta 3 months, the op took
2.5 years, I was suicidal, but when I got it back, It was the best one on the planet

Its not worth stressing yourself, RSi, the forum, your car will be sorted, even if it takes a bit longer
you know yourself, if you attack the people who are working for you, they will not bend over backwards
use the carrot, not the stick

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Dec 22, 2005
Reaction score
Everyone. I did not write that post asking for anyones opinion on what to do. I clearly wrote an udpate about what is happening with my build because im tired of getting 10 emails/***/TXT messages weekly aksing what is going on with my build at RSI and "should I send my car there".

Im keeping everyone in the loop about what is going on and what im doing. Trust me ive had alot of time to think about the alternatives here.

There are over 3,800 views on this thread. Everyone, including me is waiting.

No one is attacking anyone here. If you read the entire 4 pages you will see how supportive and calm i have been about this process no matter what anyone has said. Even the negative posts that were deleted from this thread I did not buy in to.

The car needs to come home this weekend. Finished or not. This is not a reflection on RSI or their work. I simply need the car back and that is all. Nothing more, nothing less.

Again, RSI has done a great job so far but this build has not met my timeframe so i need to move on. As per my conversation yesterday, Will is doing all that he can do accomidate the finish this week. Fingeres crossed.
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Apr 22, 2013
Reaction score
I hope it all works out for you. Sounds like a sucky situation to be in.


Viper Owner
Aug 25, 2008
Reaction score
Houston, TX
on another note, I love the way your car looks! I would post a picture but it won't let me upload it!


Dec 22, 2005
Reaction score
Thats more then i can say. I dont even remember what it looks like lol


Apr 11, 2012
Reaction score
Clearwater, FL
Trust me... I know how you feel. I got the "it will be done next week" talk more times than I can remember from the local shop I used. Hang in there! Hopefully, the wait will be worth it.


Dec 22, 2005
Reaction score
Car is done!!! Super safe and conservative tune for 91 octane. Car has 3:73s which is robbing some dyno HP and it was dynoed in 100 degree weather. With 3:07s and 50-60 degree weather we should see around 850RWHP. Cant wait to get the beast back home.


Black Moon

Dec 28, 2007
Reaction score
Knoxville, TN
Can I PLEASE send you my motor and get a $3,850 rebuild. PLEASE!!!!!

Also, I will not send it to you at the beginning of warm weather, race season, high volume work schedule and be pissed if I miss the summer because of delays. Seriously.


Dec 22, 2005
Reaction score
Can I PLEASE send you my motor and get a $3,850 rebuild. PLEASE!!!!!

Also, I will not send it to you at the beginning of warm weather, race season, high volume work schedule and be pissed if I miss the summer because of delays. Seriously.

Clearly you two have not followed the entire build here......

Black Moon

Dec 28, 2007
Reaction score
Knoxville, TN
Actually just read the entire saga. My points were #1 $3,850 for a motor refresh is cheap especially since most shops want 800-1,000 to R&R the motor. #2 Sending your car out for Major work on April 14th was not the best timing in my opinion. I always do it during the off season when shops, vendors, services and suppliers aren't booked with work. Just my opinion. You don't have to agree with it or like it.


Dec 22, 2005
Reaction score
Actually just read the entire saga. My points were #1 $3,850 for a motor refresh is cheap especially since most shops want 800-1,000 to R&R the motor. #2 Sending your car out for Major work on April 14th was not the best timing in my opinion. I always do it during the off season when shops, vendors, services and suppliers aren't booked with work. Just my opinion. You don't have to agree with it or like it.

I dont disagree with you. The point im trying to make is if timeframes are given, they should be stuck too that is all.


Jun 9, 2009
Reaction score
Everyone. I did not write that post asking for anyones opinion on what to do. I clearly wrote an udpate about what is happening with my build because im tired of getting 10 emails/***/TXT messages weekly aksing what is going on with my build at RSI and "should I send my car there".

Im keeping everyone in the loop about what is going on and what im doing. Trust me ive had alot of time to think about the alternatives here.

There are over 3,800 views on this thread. Everyone, including me is waiting.

No one is attacking anyone here. If you read the entire 4 pages you will see how supportive and calm i have been about this process no matter what anyone has said. Even the negative posts that were deleted from this thread I did not buy in to.

The car needs to come home this weekend. Finished or not. This is not a reflection on RSI or their work. I simply need the car back and that is all. Nothing more, nothing less.

Again, RSI has done a great job so far but this build has not met my timeframe so i need to move on. As per my conversation yesterday, Will is doing all that he can do accomidate the finish this week. Fingeres crossed.

Not trying to be rude, and don't have a dog in this fight. You posted an update in this thread on a PUBLIC forum, and are telling people you don't need or want to see/hear opinions from them. Its a public forum bud, thats going to happen. If you don't want to get some opinions, then don't post up and don't respond to people

Congrats on the car getting done!


Oct 18, 2007
Reaction score
Black Moon, most shops dont blow up your motor at the dyno eather! You should be happy for your fellow Viper member to have hes car back, dont talk **** if you dont know *** is going on!
Actually just read the entire saga. My points were #1 $3,850 for a motor refresh is cheap especially since most shops want 800-1,000 to R&R the motor. #2 Sending your car out for Major work on April 14th was not the best timing in my opinion. I always do it during the off season when shops, vendors, services and suppliers aren't booked with work. Just my opinion. You don't have to agree with it or like it.

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