Viper Owner
I more they likely would have "lost it"
I have always felt if some is intentionally TRYING to start **** when your minding you own business, however it may end, is their problem, what they did is the cause and what I do is the reaction.
Now its a different story if theres a situation between the 2 of you and it gets heated such as an accident ect, but just going up to someone, out of the blue and saying things like that IS and forever will be an "a$$ whoopable offence"
Believe me I thought about it, but in the end who would have more to lose in that for sure and I'm not willing to risk a lawsuit over it. In fact I'm not so sure that these bums don't try to start something like this just so they can sue and that is why they target people with nice cars, who knows. Here is the problem with just going right into something physical, with the understood first issue being you might lose the fight lol. In a court of law "saying" something to anyone is not a cause for physical altercation, unless maybe he said "I'm going to kill you" or something to that fashion. If however he walked over to me that is a different story and that is why I tried to say the response back 2X as loud and called his car a piece of $hit, not b/c I thought it was but to see how far he wanted to take it. Honestly I'm glad he just walked back to his car and didn't even look in my direction when he came out (I was staring right at him), the last thing I want to do is fight someone over something like this, but I was ready for sure if he would have approached me. I do agree with you though, I feel like it should be "okay" to just kick the $hit out of someone who starts something with you when you are minding your own business, but unfortunately it is not in today's culture, especially when you are perceived as successful and driving a nice car that makes you now public enemy number 1

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