Encounter with a "Tree-Hugger"...Has this ever happened to you?


Aug 11, 2013
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I've had a few women and an old man make some snide comments at stop lights. When it happens, I say "I'm sorry, what did you say"? When they start to repeat themselves...I hit the gas and start revving. Then I threaten to kill them and follow them for a few blocks. I don't worry about them carrying guns or anything because they don't believe in anyone having those either. For the most part though, people just LOVE the car.


Jan 17, 2010
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Carol Stream, IL
Unfortunately too many times the people who have the means to afford such nice toys have done so at the expense of someone else. Look at our current congress, or the guy who thought he could buy his way into office last year as perfect examples.

The guy in the Civic didn't know you or how you got the Viper. Likewise, you don't know his story. He should've just kept his mouth shut, but for all you know maybe someone has used him as a stepping stool to better themself at his expense and you just happened to come along so he took it out on you. Not defending his actions by any means though.


Aug 1, 2009
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NW Jersey
I thought you were going to say Al Gore...:D

Unfortunately too many times the people who have the means to afford such nice toys have done so at the expense of someone else. Look at our current congress, or the guy who thought he could buy his way into office last year as perfect examples.

The guy in the Civic didn't know you or how you got the Viper. Likewise, you don't know his story. He should've just kept his mouth shut, but for all you know maybe someone has used him as a stepping stool to better themself at his expense and you just happened to come along so he took it out on you. Not defending his actions by any means though.


Aug 11, 2013
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SaturnVUEguy: As a business person, everything I do is at the expense of someone else when you think about it. The second someone opens their mouth to make a negative comment about driving a Dodge Viper...they are admitting they are jealous. Most of these communists are highly educated too. They are smart enough to realize that, ALL their education has brought them to the point that they have to drive an economical car to survive.....and they have too much pride to live on welfare. These people are PISSED. These are the people that run into movie theaters with assault weapons and start blasting.
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Jan 17, 2010
Reaction score
Carol Stream, IL
Guess that makes me a communist too then. I'm jealous of all you guys. I've been dreaming of owning a Viper since I was 10, 21yrs ago.

Do I feel entitled? No. Have I ever run my mouth to a guy on the street? No. I became a victim of the economy several years ago (got laid off and couldn't find work, had to prioritize bills) and am still catching up, despite being back at work for almost 3yrs now.

Perhaps I worded some of my previous post wrong. All business decisions are at the cost of someone else. What I was referring to is someone buying a company just to put it out of business and ship the jobs overseas, like Romney did. Not just your run of the mill every-day business


Aug 11, 2013
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Well, the beauty is you don't have to be rich to own a Viper. Of course being rich to me is anyone with ten million or more...and rich I ain't. Most new "decked out" mini vans will cost you more than a nice Gen 2 Viper. If you really want one, they are within reach. I paid $42,500 for mine but I had to put another 20k into it to make it juuuuust right (for me). The guys you were referring to...Romney and the like...don't buy Vipers. The Viper has and always will be for rebellious types I think. The new Viper is a different story...being owned by Italians and designed by a "left brained" Canadian...wow. The car that's gonna be parked next to my 96 GTS soon is a 92 Viper.
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Aug 19, 2012
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I live in westchester county NY ,the democratic idealolgy ( socialism) makes people believe that succes is a problem! It's so bad that me and the family are considering moving to S Carolina because we can't stomach robin hood mentality of our politician in NY like our gov. Homo


Jan 17, 2010
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Carol Stream, IL
I know the Vipers have come WAY down in price. That fact is not lost on me. I've been telling my wife since we bought her Ford Edge about a year and a half ago that as soon as its paid off I'm buying a Viper. I've waited this long, I can wait a few (4.5) more years. We're still hurting from when I lost my job but things are getting better.

And I agree Rmoney (spelled that way on purpose) would NEVER buy a Viper. As stated, he doesn't have that rebellious mentality. Personally I think I do, runs in my family. I won't get into my ancestry here, but feel free to pm me and I'll chat


Viper Owner
May 12, 2008
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Sierra Vista, AZ
Well, the beauty is you don't have to be rich to own a Viper. Of course being rich to me is anyone with ten million or more...and rich I ain't. Most new "decked out" mini vans will cost you more than a nice Gen 2 Viper. If you really want one, they are within reach. I paid $42,500 for mine but I had to put another 20k into it to make it juuuuust right (for me). The guys you were referring to...Romney and the like...don't buy Vipers. The Viper has and always will be for rebellious types I think. The new Viper is a different story...being owned by Italians and designed by a "left brained" Canadian...wow. The car that's gonna be parked next to my 96 GTS soon is a 92 Viper.

+1 Lol. 99% of people are CLUELESS about cars. They think Vipers are super expensive. I always get the expensive comments about my Viper. I always replay back, "Your truck/suv/car cost more than my Viper." Their jaw usually drop. Its not our fault we aren't car ******** like most people out there. They chose to by the 50k truck, 70k GT500, 40k mustang GT at the **** new price.. instead of a Viper. Its their right... and I don't need to hear their ******** over my choice. I get idiots who ask what under the hood a V6? Lol.

Viper prices are low and will only be going up soon. Anyone with a decent job can pick one up now.

I live in westchester county NY ,the democratic idealolgy ( socialism) makes people believe that succes is a problem! It's so bad that me and the family are considering moving to S Carolina because we can't stomach robin hood mentality of our politician in NY like our gov. Homo

New York, California, DC, full of MORONS. Will never move near those cities/states. Car unfriendly and full of Democrapic morons who think THEY ARE ENTITLED to everything you have without the WORK and think they need to be spoon fed YOUR MONEY. I was born into a poor family, I went to school and worked full time in fast food restaurants through high school and college, I paid my way without hand outs... people today are just plain lazy. You want a VIPER? You want a nice house? Money? Go EARN IT. (Sorry rant.)

Also I'm sorry for those who lost their jobs due to piss poor government letting the greedy coorperations sending the jobs overseas. Thank Reagan for that. Global Ecomony = Total BS **Code for /wave to your jobs as they go to Mexico and India.**
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Aug 11, 2013
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SaturnVUEguy, I don't think I'll be pm'ing you anytime soon to chat about your family tree. But I think you better ****** up a Viper before your 4 and a half year timeline. I don't think they are gonna be so cheap in 5-10 years. I talked to an old man not too long ago. All he did was drive around the country buying and picking up wrecked Vipers and stock parts people were selling after modifying their cars. He first congratulated me on not wrecking my car, walked around my car, then told me my car would be worth well over a hundred thousand dollars in twenty years....IF it wasn't wrecked by then. Get a 92 RT-10, 96 GTS, or a 99 GTS ACR.


Jan 17, 2010
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Carol Stream, IL
If I could afford it, I'd buy one today. Like I said, we're still struggling to catch up and get our heads safely above water. All our current income goes right back out to pay bills/mortgage/car payment/childcare/etc. The 4.5yr timeline is when the Edge will be paid off and some of our income will be freed up. Though to be honest, the attitudes of some of the members in this thread is scaring me off a little. I've NEVER had one bad experience with a Viper owner, until this thread


Viper Owner
May 12, 2008
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Sierra Vista, AZ
If I could afford it, I'd buy one today. Like I said, we're still struggling to catch up and get our heads safely above water. All our current income goes right back out to pay bills/mortgage/car payment/childcare/etc. The 4.5yr timeline is when the Edge will be paid off and some of our income will be freed up. Though to be honest, the attitudes of some of the members in this thread is scaring me off a little. I've NEVER had one bad experience with a Viper owner, until this thread

Keep you head up. Remember your priorities. Family First. I'd sell my Viper in a flash if it interfered with paying anything. Its just a car. They always look 10X better when someone else drives/has it. Why do you think the Rich tards buy 10000 cars and are still not happy? Their priorities are all F'ed up and their trying to fill a hole in them with material possessions.
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Aug 11, 2013
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Well, I hope I didn't scare you. Remember though: the Viper is not for the tentative. And it's not the kind of car you buy in situations like yours. You gotta have thick skin buddy....especially when you take it in for maintenance and repairs. Taking it in for repairs is akin to visiting a proctologist. No, I take that back. A gastroenterologist performing a sphygnoidoscopy. The Viper is also a very dangerous car to drive. People die every day driving them. You will get a lot of speeding tickets, even when your not speeding. EVERYBODY wants to key your car too, you can't park it anywhere without worrying sick about it. And fuel expenditures are hideous. I had to fill up twice going to a car show 25 miles away. The Viper is like a hot supermodel that sits around all day long and just takes takes takes. It gets old. If your not a sadistic fool that enjoys punishment and frequent disappointment, than the Viper is not for you. May I suggest a Dodge Dart?


Viper Owner
May 12, 2008
Reaction score
Sierra Vista, AZ
Well, I hope I didn't scare you. Remember though: the Viper is not for the tentative. And it's not the kind of car you buy in situations like yours. You gotta have thick skin buddy....especially when you take it in for maintenance and repairs. Taking it in for repairs is akin to visiting a proctologist. No, I take that back. A gastroenterologist performing a sphygnoidoscopy. The Viper is also a very dangerous car to drive. People die every day driving them. You will get a lot of speeding tickets, even when your not speeding. EVERYBODY wants to key your car too, you can't park it anywhere without worrying sick about it. And fuel expenditures are hideous. I had to fill up twice going to a car show 25 miles away. The Viper is like a hot supermodel that sits around all day long and just takes takes takes. It gets old. If your not a sadistic fool that enjoys punishment and frequent disappointment, than the Viper is not for you. May I suggest a Dodge Dart?

+1 Your always on the DEFENSIVE driving a Viper. Can't leave it unmonitored. Retards will go out of their way to damage it. I 100% suggest ANYONE who owns a viper to have an ON BOARD VIDEO security system. If it gets keyed you have a video of the RETARD that did it.


Aug 11, 2013
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Yes. Video monitoring as well. I personally have a "valet system". When the alarm is activated, no one can drive the car over 2000rpm's. Also, after years of scrimping and dreaming, I broke down and bought a midget. He lives in a tiny house in my back yard that I custom built for him. He personally takes care of the car's daily maintenance now and accompanies me when I take the car out. He stands by the car and watches it at car shows...answers stupid questions people ask like "how much did it cost"? "How fast will it go"?...freeing me up to wander around and socialize. I highly recommend if you decide to buy a Viper, it should be accompanied by a midget.


Jan 17, 2010
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Carol Stream, IL
Don't worry, I have thick skin. I am a married man after all. Funny you mention the Dart, I have a '98 Neon R/T, the current Dart's ancestor. I have heard many horror stories about Vipers getting vandalized and I too would worry sick. One of my favorite suggestions I've read here was to never pick your nose in a Viper because SOMEONE will see.


Aug 11, 2013
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Absolutely. Don't ever pick your nose in a Viper. If you take one hand off the steering wheel YOU WILL DIE. Try to text and drive: Dead. Drive in the rain: Dead. Down shift in a mild bend in the road and floor it: Dead. Think you got the Viper all figured out and get cocky one afternoon: Dead. Have a couple of drinks and drive it: Multiple deaths. Are you getting this? Do you STILL want a Viper?


Jan 17, 2010
Reaction score
Carol Stream, IL
The last Neon R/T I had, I experienced lift-off oversteer a few times. Scared the crap out of me the first time it happened but I was fortunate enough to never wreck it. Granted, the effects would be greatly multiplied in a Viper.

I've wanted a Viper for about 21yrs now. Yes, I do still want one. Perhaps driving one would change my mind, but I don't think so. I have ridden in one, back when I was in high school. This one had "only" 400hp ('94) but I was instantly hooked on the feeling of the torque and power it had


Aug 11, 2013
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Hey man I'm just messing around. I heard a lot of different stories about the Viper before I bought mine. Most of them exaggerations. The car drives tight and is responsive, tons of torque, and just a blast to drive. 99.99% of people love it. You don't see many on the street. If you want to drive it like a ****...it'll getcha. Not too forgiving when driven at it's limits. I really wish you luck in getting one and hope everything works out for you and your family. Blainne is right, it's just a car and family first. Make it an enjoyable experience and buy it when the time is right.


Aug 11, 2013
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Oilman1934, I have an idea that would make millions. Build an entire subdivision for midgets, and I mean to scale. Little mailboxes and the like. It would be incredible. Little ******** zipping around in Ariel Atoms and Fiats. They need to have LEGITIMATE UFC midget fighters too. And midget Olympics. I wonder who would win in a fight between a dwarf and a midget? What about a midget president? Would you vote for him? We need to breed more midgets.


Aug 19, 2012
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They did that already in that movie there called minions and I want one.

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