Observations about the VCA - this is good


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
During approximately the last 90 days, the new VCA Board has done or is shortly about to do the following:

1. Apologized to Ralph
2. Eliminated any "potential conflicts."
3. Reinstated Jon B.
4. Replaced Coast to Coast as the day to day operator of VCA functions.
5. Installed new management at VPA with the departure of Chris.
6. Post the proposed bylaw provisions this week - the week starting 12/15..
7. Ended the excessive censorship on this site and reinstated members who had been banned or moderated.
8. Note. The allegations concerning transparency were, and are, to a large extent overstated or false. The VCA's form 990 is, and was, available for all to see. It is a public document. The VCA financials are in the magazine every year. The VCA Bylaws are posted on the forum and have been for a long time. Every Regional president had free access to and could inspect the VCA check book at every annual Presidents meeting. (It is my understanding that none ever did. If that assumption is incorrect, please advise which Regional Presidents inspected the check book since they obviously must have found everything in order.).The VCA had a financial oversight committee last year that gave the VCA a good review and CHRYSLER reviewed the VCA's entire operation during the Ralph Gilles " peculiar behavior by certain VCA members investigation". No issues were reported. If there were issues, the famous Chrysler letter would have pointed them out. It did not. It merely pointed out a "potential conflict" and some peculiar behavior that it wanted stopped. Both of these issues have now been addressed.

So based on the above, it seems to me that secession no longer makes much sense for those Regions who voted to do so and perhaps they should reconsider and, instead, run a candidate or candiddates in the upcoming January election for National officers.
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Paul Hawker

Oct 1, 2000
Reaction score
San Diego, Calif, USA
Not sure just how to put this, but In my opinion, Maurice would most likely win any election for President of VCA. This could end this whole fiasco about two clubs at the drop of a ballot. Other board members could come from the current board members of both clubs that are of like mind, and this entire issue could be ******* with a string. Voting by the entire ViperNation could fill all the Board Positions.

Now I am sure that there are other issues that could possibly pose potential problems, but with the entire Viper Community once again united, I would expect nothing could be as disruptive as two clubs fighting with one another far into the forseeable future.

One great magazine would be far better and easier to publish that two with each having far less readership. No need to compete over advertisers. VPA could be restructured to provide what the members need to take care of their Vipers, while items that compete directly with independant aftermarket suppliers could be phased out. Each could refer to the other for items that do not overlap. We need the aftermarket to provide regional support for local clubs.
Only need one membership roster instead of two. Only one computer and billing setup. No need for SRT to choose which club and region to support. Only one phone system, One united VOI instead of each club needing to do their own smaller and less satisfying meet. All members would be of the same tribe. No warring factions, and cross posting on each others forums. With only one forum, members would not need to be constantly checking with the other forum to see what events were happing in their region. No need to have a VCA and VOA club in the same cities.

Now I know there are hard feelings, and it may be impossible for some to put all this behind them, however for the vast majority of Viper Owner this would resolve a lot of anguish.

Think this would be a great time for all the leadership to attempt to come together to resolve this mess. I do not care what they call the club, as long as it quits the battles. (I propose Vipers United)

Both leadership teams state publicly that each club has pledged to put the needs of the membership above the preferences of the National Club. By joining the two clubs together they could show that they really mean it.

I hope this would be taken as a challenge to both clubs to show an interest in unity. I am sure there are a number of neutral 3rd parties (maybe even SRT or Mopar) that would be willing to glue the two clubs together for the good of all.

(otherwise, Corvette is going to clean our clock)


Oct 19, 2000
Reaction score
Paso Robles CA
I can't believe all this drama about what? a CAR Club??????????
I was a member years ago, decided that I didn't liked censorship and therefore never renewed my membership. Still have plenty of friends with Vipers and I still have my Viper (00GTS)
Seems to me that the peoples taking this whole club business way too seriously are folks with either way too much ego, a very boring life or a financial stake in it


Jan 21, 2002
Reaction score
During approximately the last 90 days, the new VCA Board has done or is shortly about to do the following:

1. Apologized to Ralph
2. Eliminated any "potential conflicts."
3. Reinstated Jon B.
4. Replaced Coast to Coast as the day to day operator of VCA functions.
5. Installed new management at VPA with the departure of Chris.
6. Post the proposed bylaw provisions this week - the week starting 12/15..
7. Note. The allegations concerning transparency were, and are, to a large extent overstated or false. The VCA's form 990 is, and was, available for all to see. It is a public document. The VCA financials are in the magazine every year. The VCA Bylaws are posted on the forum and have been for a long time. Every Regional president had free access to and could inspect the VCA check book at every annual Presidents meeting. (It is my understanding that none ever did. If that assumption is incorrect, please advise which Regional Presidents inspected the check book since they obviously must have found everything in order.).The VCA had a financial oversight committee last year that gave the VCA a good review and CHYRSLER reviewed the VCA's entire operation during the Ralph Gilles " peculiar behavior by certain VCA members investigation". No issues were reported. If there were issues, the famous Chrysler letter would have pointed them out. It did not. It merely pointed out a "potential conflict" and some peculiar behavior that it wanted stopped. Both of these issues have now been addressed.

So based on the above, it seems to me that secession no longer makes much sense for those Regions who voted to do so and perhaps they should reconsider and, instead, run a candidate or candiddates in the upcoming January election for National officers.

I can't see the financial statement in the 2013 issues nor the 2012 issues - possibly I missed them as they are not in the index. Please let me know which issues they are in? Thanks!


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
I do not keep back issues. But I do remember seeing them and I remember some comments being posted about them over the years. Perhaps someone who keeps the back issues will chime in. Sorry I could not be more helpful. I believe that they are only published once per year. Here is a post from 2011 by the VCA Directors:


VCA Directors

VCA Board of DirectorsJoin DateMar 2011Posts38

Re: National VCA Budget

To our knowledge the club has never published annual budgets, only the financial reports for the prior year. They were published in VCA Notes and will be published in VIPER magazine going forward. Thanks for your interest!​

And note this post from the same thread which proves what I said above about the VCA check book being present at the Annual Presidents Meetings. I underlined and blocked the sentence.

02 Graphite GTS

VCA Member
Southern California
Regional President

Join DateJan 2006LocationH. B. CaliforniaPosts794

Re: National VCA Budget

I was honored to be at the President's meeting last week and Lee did present his report to all of us. So now that we got to see it, I'm sure it will be released very soon for the rest of the club to see. The checkbook was also there for us to inspect. (I did not personally inspect it and did not feel the need to do so. I trust our Board and more importantly, I trust Lee with the checkbook) I suppose if our account balance was severely down in dollars, I would be inclined to inspect it quite thoroughly, but when they are reporting an increase in account balance there is not much to dispute or question.

YES our Club is in GREAT financial condition despite the bad economy and all the negative rumors about how the Club is being run. We are SELF RUN and standing on our own! If it weren't for the all the work our National Board volunteers to do, I doubt our Club would be in such great shape. It is really quite exciting to see and hear about all the things these guys are doing and planning for our Club's future. Pretty amazing stuff if you really stop and think about it.

I for one, really appreciate the fact that the Presidents are given the information ahead of the Club. Why? you ask, because I am then better prepared to address questions or comments from our members. The Regional Presidents need to convey the information from the National level to its region. It must be done as accurately as possible in order for everyone to remain on the same page. I try my very hardest to keep our region informed of these things....but it is not easy.

Bottom line is that it is a Club. It is fun and fun is a positive thing. It is a shame when people try to take the fun away with negativity.
I AM NOT INFERRING THAT ANYONE IN THIS THREAD IS BEING NEGATIVE. I think that every post here is relevant and that there is a very valid answer to each and every post above. I know this does not answer any of the direct questions above, but I'm hoping that maybe I have answered some of the un-asked questions. In general I think it is a shame when "negative feeling" comments are made towards the very Officers that are busting their butts to do such positive things for ALL of us. We are all getting the benefit of their hard work.

I returned home from the Presidents Meeting more inspired and energized about the upcoming year and all the great things we have in store for us.
I sure hope our members do not forget to Thank our National Officers and appreciate all that they are doing to for us.


2009 White Black ACR

I can't see the financial statement in the 2013 issues nor the 2012 issues - possibly I missed them as they are not in the index. Please let me know which issues they are in? Thanks!
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Viper Owner
Jul 30, 2013
Reaction score
Willis, Tx

I returned home from the Presidents Meeting more inspired and energized about the upcoming year and all the great things we have in store for us. I sure hope our members do not forget to Thank our National Officers and appreciate all that they are doing to for us.Lance[/INDENT]

2009 White Black ACR

lol. So how'd that work out for ya.? Was that before or after the "officers" wrote a letter to Ralphs boss.? You know, the very same thing they banned Partsrack for.
Hows that factory support with SRT going for ya.?

Ha,ha the other club would have to be loco to "join up as one" with the VCA. Y'all are just grasping at straws to try and stay afloat looks like to me. Looks like 30+ regions voted to go to the other club. Now that tells me what the majority of members think about the VCA.
Good luck.


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
It is my hope that those who were rightfully upset are able to see and appreciate the progress being made. I think that most members are reasonable people who will read and analyze the data and make a calm, rational decsion now that things have settled down quite a bit. There will always be those who thrive on anger who can never be pleased no matter what anyone says or does. As in other parts of life, they are best ignored.


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
I forgot to list an item which is, and was, very important to many Members that the new Board did:

It ended the excessive censorship on this site and reinstated members who had been banned or moderated - not just Jon.

I have added this to the list above as item seven before the Note.


Nov 26, 2007
Reaction score
The above sounds good....... But I'm afraid the ship has sailed. We'll see what the future holds.


Has Left the Room!
Feb 25, 2010
Reaction score
Dothan, AL
Now I know there are hard feelings, and it may be impossible for some to put all this behind them, however for the vast majority of Viper Owner this would resolve a lot of anguish.

How about un-banning all the 70 VCA members when Lee went on his rampage after he was suppose to resign. All those MEMBERS got screwed out of their ability to post, ask question, get answers and subsequently got so frustrated they up and left. That situation still hasn't been resolved which goes to show the leadership is still not serious about reform.


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
You are a bit behind data wise. One of the first things Dan did when he came in was to review the banned people. Many have been reinstated for months now.

How about un-banning all the 70 VCA members when Lee went on his rampage after he was suppose to resign. All those MEMBERS got screwed out of their ability to post, ask question, get answers and subsequently got so frustrated they up and left. That situation still hasn't been resolved which goes to show the leadership is still not serious about reform.
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Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
An FAQ email from the National Board went out to all VCA members this morning. It is informative and upbeat and answers most, if not all, of the questions that have been asked.

canadian venom

Feb 6, 2011
Reaction score
An FAQ email from the National Board went out to all VCA members this morning. It is informative and upbeat and answers most, if not all, of the questions that have been asked.

Didn't receives it...maybe because they know I'm not coming back as a paying member :dunno:


Jan 2, 2010
Reaction score
San Diego
The main thing it had was the right attitude. This is the way that the new *** and officers should have reacted to begin with. Admitting past shortcomings and offering to fix them without any animosity. It is really too bad that LS had to pull his crap on the way out.

Not sure who wrote this email, but I was happy to see the shift in thought process.

Just read it...thought it was positive, especially the conciliatory closing paragraph.


Has Left the Room!
Mar 6, 2003
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ bye-bye IOWA
You mean the same email that was posted last night on the Alley, that me as a former member of 10 years, had to go to the Alley to read it? Why not post it here? It was a very good letter and maybe a start in the right direction.

An FAQ email from the National Board went out to all VCA members this morning. It is informative and upbeat and answers most, if not all, of the questions that have been asked.


Jan 21, 2002
Reaction score
To VCA members throughout the Globe:
You have questions—we have answers!
Q: What is the financial condition of the VCA?
A: The VCA is in sound financial condition, with bills current and over $75,000.00 in the bank account as of 12-4-13. We are NOT bankrupt and we are NOT going out of business!! Many of you were unaware that our club has always relied on raffle cars for a source of income, since almost all of the membership dues gets spent on our members, with a portion of the money also going to each region. The Viper Magazine, badges, and renewal gifts are all member benefits. Pat and Pietro from SRT were in contact with us just last week about how they could help us with the next raffle car.
Q: Has SRT abandoned the VCA?
A: Absolutely not! We are in contact with Pat Dougherty on a regular basis. SRT realizes we have 20 years of website data, a magazine with advertising revenue, a website with advertising revenue, and we will continue to support SRT in every way possible in 2014 just as we have done in years past. Contrary to what you may have heard, Kim at JR Thompson did indeed make a personal phone call to Cathy Smiley asking the VCA to help them promote the lower ticket prices at the Petit Lemans in Atlanta last October. Kim and Fiona sent us an email thanking us for the assistance. So, the email went out worldwide to 3100+ members!

3100 members... think about those numbers for a minute when you realize how large the VCA is.
Q: Will there be a VOI 13?
A: Yes, although we are realistic to plan on the attendance being about 50% lower than in years past. Plans are underway to hold the next VOI in ... Wait a minute! We can't tell you that just yet! Just know that John Canal is putting a lot of time and effort into the fall of 2014 for VOI13.
Q: Will the Viper Magazine be on track for 2014?
A: Yes, and you are about to receive two more publications of the Viper Magazine in the next 3-4 weeks!! We're sorry we got behind with issues this year. Positive and effective changes have been made to avoid any such delays in the future.
Q: What can you share about the most recent Viper Raffle?
A: We understand the concern and respect those that have had questions. There were two issues, the initial winner unfortunately was not eligible and this resulted in legal action that was found in favor of the VCA. It was very disappointing but as you know, in fairness to our membership who participated in the raffle, we must follow the rules that we have in place. The second issue was the raffle. In plain terms, the raffle car timing was included in our operating budget and was held up due to many conditions beyond the VCA's control. We have conducted the raffle with the support of one of our member clubs who registered the raffle in their state for many years. This year, the raffle was conducted without the assistance of this club, which was unexpected, and it was required of the VCA to hold an internet raffle. We are working hard to assure that the next raffle is conducted back in our home state of Michigan, if possible, where it has successfully been conducted for t he last 12 years.
Q: Can the VCA survive with fewer members?
A: Yes, the VCA isn't going anywhere! Even with the members that have renewed thus far, we can and will survive. When Chrysler was in bankruptcy, the VCA managed to weather the storm, even increasing membership during years when the Viper wasn't in production. We, the VCA, have a strong and resilient foundation from which to build from. In the end, we will be a more unified club than ever before.
Q: Communication from the VCA *** to the regional presidents has been sketchy, at best. Why ?
A: Many of you work full time, have active lives outside of the Viper Community, and have families/friends that you want to spend time with. And so do we!! Take a moment to imagine your lifestyle as it is today. How would you like to work a full day and then spend 4 additional hours almost every day as a volunteer on Viper business? Our current VCA National Board are making that effort to save something of value to all Viper owners, namely the Viper Club of America and all of its many assets which we have accumulated over the last 20 years. The International Viper Registry, the tooling for making body parts for all Generations of Viper, the VCA website, etc. Yes, in 3 short months we have a draft ready for approval on bylaw changes, new elections in the first quarter of 2014, RFQ for a new management company/production of the VM, Jon B/Parts Rack has been reinstated, the list goes on and on.
Q: What are the details of the bylaws changes?
A: The proposed bylaw changes are almost finalized and will be posted before Dec 18, 2013 on the VCA website. Some of the key changes are 1) The national VCA President will be prevented from evicting a board member without a 75% vote of the entire *** 2) Your vote by proxy or email will be accepted 3) Term limits will exist for national and regional officers 4) More power is being given to the Regional Presidents and less power to National President. 5) All Viper owner members will be allowed to vote for all officers. Some people are under the impression that the national board is paid / compensated. We are not! These are strictly volunteer positions. We hope that you can see that we are working hard to make the VCA an even better club than it was before.
Q: What is the status of the new management company?
A: We will have a new management company beginning Jan 1, 2014. The national board received 6 quotes from accredited management companies. We narrowed that down to two finalists, and just recently signed and completed the contract with the company who will begin on Jan 1st. The savings will be substantial overall, and they will also be responsible for producing the Viper Magazine. The *** of the VCA has no personal affiliation with any of the management companies who provided quotes. Both finalists had the ability to warehouse and process VPA orders, if ever needed in the future. Herb Helbig will continue to support the VPA as a consultant. The VPA had sales of over one million dollars in 2013, with the best November ever in its history. Chris Marshall has sent us his resignation from the VPA effective December31, 2013. Everyone here wishes Chris and Mary much success in their future endeavors. We would like to thank them both for their years of service and countles s hours of work in behalf of this club that we all love so much.
Q: How will the *** be more transparent in the future?
A: We have heard your concerns and fully agree that we must improve in sharing communication in regards to VCA business going forward. We will partner with the 2014 Region Officers to establish posting guidelines for such communication as *** meeting minutes, Regional President Conference Calls, Financial Reporting, etc. Transparency will never again be in question for the VCA in the future.
Q: When and how will elections be held?
A: For those presidents who are staying with the VCA, elections will be held in late January or February, with your vote by proxy being allowed in the new bylaws. New leadership will be found in the areas where regional presidents have decided to leave. In other words, our goal is for every VCA region that exists today to continue to exist in 2014.
Q: Last question, why should we stay with the VCA?
A: With the initial changes we have proposed, it is a giant step in the right direction and these revisions are evidence that your voice has been heard, loud and clear. The VCA will continue to exist, and doing it WITH your help is certainly what we want to see. Now it is time to move forward. We will focus on the future and from this point rebuild the trust of you, our loyal members, who have chosen to give the VCA an opportunity to successfully implement these changes. Many recognize the benefits of staying with an established club who has so many dedicated people working together who love it with all their heart. We will continue all the hard work that has been put in motion to improving the VCA.
For those of you who have decided not to renew we want to thank you for your past contribution and you will be missed. We hope that in the future you will consider dual memberships. We do wish the new club and its members well and we hope that VCA members are given the same courtesy. We sincerely ask that you reconsider your decision and renew with the VCA. Please know that we are also disappointed that the actions of a few have had such a negative impact to the club we all have enjoyed over the years. In closing we owe a heartfelt thank you to those of you who are considering remaining members, again, we do need you. You can make a positive difference in the future of the VCA.
Please contact us today for a personal discussion with us.
Dan Everts [email protected]
Fredi Spaltenstein [email protected]
John Canal [email protected]
Greg Crouse [email protected]
John Mavridis [email protected]
Ron Kooser [email protected]
Cathy Smiley [email protected]

We would like to introduce ourselves, your temporary national board. We apologize for not having done this sooner…there have been many fires to put out!
Dan Everts – Current President of the VCA
So Cal Viper Club, Regional President – 4 years, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Western Zone Director – Elected and served 1 year; 2012; National Treasurer, elected 2013. Dan has a wife and three sons. He has been the CEO of three small business entities for the last 15 years and earned his BA from CSUF. Dan is a pretty serious track/road race/tech guy. He owns three Vipers, one is a "modded to hell" 2004, one 2006 VOI 9 Coupe, one 2009 ACR. He performs most of his own service work, most mods, alignment, corner weighting and car set up. Dan has instructed for Viper Days, NARRA and other track outfits.
Greg Crouse - Current Vice President of the VCA
President North Central Texas – Greg is a banking and Technology consultant and works with banks all over the world fixing their toughest issues. Married to another car nut who happens to be a children's doctor. Member of the VCA for 15 years, 5 years as a local officer, and the last four months serving on the national board.
Lucas Chaney - Current Treasurer of the VCA
Lucas graduated from the University of North Texas with both a Bachelors of Science and a Masters of Science degree in Information Technology. He describes himself as the "new school" computer geek. He enjoys playing basketball (Da Bulls, Da Best) and his hobbies include first and foremost the Viper & the great group of people of the NTVCA, going to the movies, playing a little Xbox 360, and watching TV. He has worked in the IT field since graduating with MS in IT in 2004 and has been a part of the NTVCA since 2007. He's been a local officer for the past 2 years, first as Secretary and later as Treasurer.
Fredi Spaltenstein - Current President, Swiss Club
Fredi has been a Master Painter for 30 years and has two (Adult) children who both work with him in his business. Fredi enjoys music and traveling with his wife. Thirteen years VCA member, 7 years Local Officer, 4 months national board.
Ron Kooser – Midwest Zone Director
VCA member since 2005, and served as the Kansas City Secretary for 6 years. Ron has been married for 14 years and has 3 step children. He is a retired locomotive engineer from BNSF railroad where he was employed for 42 years. He has had 3 Vipers, Gen 1, Gen 3, and currently a 2008 coupe.
John Mavridis – Current Interim NE Zone Director
10 years VCA Member Virginia/Maryland Viper Club ,7 Years local officer,2 months National Board .VP in industrial water treatment company. Provides corrosion and scale protection in heat transfer systems. Involved in all facets of organization. John has been married 20 years and has three young boys.
John Canal – Current SE Zone Director
Group Chairman and CEO of Bunkers International Corp, one of the top ten largest marine fuel trading companies in the world with revenues nearing one billion USD per year. Holds degrees in Communications and Political Science from Florida State University. John enjoys travelling with his wife, Maria and two children. Owns three Vipers, one of which is an ACR. John passionately states that he has had some of the best times of his life in the VCA and has met some of his best friends in this club. Although this has been a trying year for the club, he believes in staying and fighting for something that has had such an amazing impact on his life.
Cathy Smiley – Current SE Director at Large since July 2013
Central/North Florida President since January 2013. A VCA member since 2005, Cathy is the President and co-founder of a multimillion dollar audio visual firm which was formed in 1980. "The wearer of many hats" Cathy, along with her husband Jim, manages all aspects of the business every day, along with their staff and oldest son. Cathy has been married for 35 years and has two wonderful sons and a daughter in law. A Florida native, she says that being the President of the Central/North Florida VCA is the best job on the planet!! She loves people and enjoys planning fun Viper outings with the members of both clubs in the state. Owns eight cars (too many, in her words) and not enough cars( Jim's words) including two Vipers: an '08 SRT10 coupe, and '02 GTS final edition coupe, as well as an '07 Chrysler 300 SRT 8 (Wicked fast!) which is her favorite car aside from the Vipers.

Do not wish to receive future email communications (including raffle notices) from the VCA? Visit http://www.viperclub.org/opt-out.php to opt out


Feb 13, 2010
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
It's definitely worded much better than previous emails/mailers (I wonder if it has anything to do with Chris being "out").
On one hand, it shows some of things that people have been saying for a long time are true. (It still has some questionable and/or possible misrepresentations included.)
On the other, it sounds like the VCA is trying to move in the right direction, which is at least a positive sign. I hope it all gets followed-through on.

One thing for sure is that none of it would have ever happened (and it HAD to happen) without the major revolt, the forming of a new club and the exodus of a vary large number of members. Maybe it's too late, maybe it's not.

The sad part is that if this had all been done long (years) ago when the issues started to come to light (instead of trying to silence everyone and call them liars), all of the giant mess that's happened in the past year, probably never would have happened.


Viper Owner
Jan 15, 2011
Reaction score
It's definitely worded much better than previous emails/mailers (I wonder if it has anything to do with Chris being "out").
On one hand, it shows some of things that people have been saying for a long time are true. (It still has some questionable and/or possible misrepresentations included.)
On the other, it sounds like the VCA is trying to move in the right direction, which is at least a positive sign. I hope it all gets followed-through on.

One thing for sure is that none of it would have ever happened (and it HAD to happen) without the major revolt, the forming of a new club and the exodus of a vary large number of members. Maybe it's too late, maybe it's not.

The sad part is that if this had all been done long (years) ago when the issues started to come to light (instead of trying to silence everyone and call them liars), all of the giant mess that's happened in the past year, probably never would have happened.

I have followed this at a distance and as one who suffered some of the censorship personally, I voted with my feet and joined the other club. But in the final analysis, it is just a car club designed to accommodate our love for this car. It makes me sad that this very small "nation", is now divided into two clubs. It will end up being detrimental to both... No winners here...


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
I agree with you but it was sent to Members and I did not feel comfortable posting it in a public forum without the permission of the sender. Now that it has been posted here, and I am glad that it was, that issue is taken care of.

You mean the same email that was posted last night on the Alley, that me as a former member of 10 years, had to go to the Alley to read it? Why not post it here? It was a very good letter and maybe a start in the right direction.


Has Left the Room!
Feb 25, 2010
Reaction score
Dothan, AL
You are a bit behind data wise. One of the first things Dan did when he came in was to review the banned people. Many have been reinstated for months now.

Uh, no they haven't. There is a VCA member local to me that has been "moderated" for the last 4 month. He got "released" for a few days asking hard questions, then got "re-moderated". There are many more that can't post.

Your information is way off Bob, stop commenting on stuff you have no clue about. Free advice, just for you.

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