Its a huge leap from insinuations to "ripping" the members here. Its this type of hyperbole that fuels the fire. Realistically few, if any passed on the raffle tickets to avoid helping the club. Did the old guard really destroy the VOI evevts? If everyone continues to believe that the current problems faced by the VCA are caused by the VOA, then resolution will never happen. Youve got to identify the real problem before you can solve it, but anytime someone offers to highlight the issues and propose some solutions, (Rocket) he's labeled as an agitator and gets vilified. Re-read Rocket's post and tell me what area of that post deserved the kind of response he got from Broom. The imaginary villan does not exist; it lies within.
OK Granger, so I see you want proof of how the members are specifically ripped here. It is apparent to me that you sort of have a bone to pick. So let's get it done. First off when I joined here Rocket specifically
Made a point to bust my chops for having to much to say, Sam accused me of wearing white sheets etc etc. I am just one person. There are several. If I forwarded
You every post , well that would just take way to much time. For yourself go to his profile and look at all of his posts. I am very vocal and a woman. Yes if you
verbally punch me in the stomach I will Sledgehammer you back. I don't usually take $hit off of people especially people I don't know. So if you expected that out of me then boo hoo. I have always tried to keep an open mind toward an individual whom I have not met and I realize that people can and do behave on this
Forum differently than in their every day lives. Hell Jog accused me of being uneducated. Funny thing is, those are merely assumptions. Heres my thing, certain
people that migrate over and start crap do so with the intent of bringing bitterness and resentment. Instead of enjoying the club they claim is so staunch and
upright and making a difference in that club they would rather try coming here and stir up $hit. Thing is we can all exist together in harmony but that's not what is
Wanted by this select few. I promise you there are a few Judases in the VOA. You would probably be shocked at who exactly they are. BTW I do have friends
In the VOA and I hear Broom is a great topic sometimes.

which tickles me totally. One thing about me you should know, I can be your best pal or worst
nightmare . I am pretty straight forward, and I don't have to validate or prove anything to you.