My viper conundrum


Feb 20, 2025
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Hey all!

New to the forum. Found it while doing a search today.

I’ve been a Viper fan since I was 12 when I saw the 1st Viper pace car with my dad at the 91 Indy 500! Finally got the GTS I’d always wanted in 5 years ago. Love it!

Lately though, I’ve been wondering if I should sell it because I just don’t drive it that often, mostly because I don’t want anything bad to happen to it. Ha ha.

It drives great, but I just don’t feel good taking it somewhere and then worrying about people messing with it in the parking lot. Just stresses me out.

I have all of my vipers die casts and toys from my childhood, which is super cool (to me) but I feel like maybe the car has just become a really expensive, really large die cast.

Does anyone else ever get this feeling? Any thoughts. Just thought I’d throw that out for some discussion today as I was sitting and thinking about it.

Thanks all! Have a great day.


Dec 26, 2006
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I typically park it where I can see it. Work etc. If something major happens to it its replaceable. Not driving it your saving it for the next caretaker.
My problem is time....

Solid Red 98

Oct 25, 2007
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Vipers are quite rare, and entering the irreplaceable exotic club. Their savings grace is that they are stout, and there are replacement parts out there if they get dinged. Mine goes out about once a week, so its no daily. My biggest stress is the windshield on freeways. Still, its important to keep all cars--even exotic ones in some perspective. They play and sometimes live in a hostile, outside environment, just like the econo-model, truck, or SUV in the neighboring lane, and are subject to the ravagesof the road. Enjoy owning and driving your Viper while you have it. Something could happen to it--that's life. Diecast cars are to look at. 1:1 scale cars are for driving and experiencing, unless you are a collector.


Apr 27, 2022
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Never hurts to frequent places where people will have good car etiquette. Examples would be Cars and Coffee events, local car shows, track events as either a driver or spectator, car cruises etc. etc. etc. I definitely get the concern, but you can get a lot of low stress enjoyment out of the car with a little planning ahead.


Oct 16, 2024
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I won't leave mine unattended in parking lots .... in the early years I would and 90% of the time I'd come back to find people loitering around it. All it takes is 1 asshole - of which they are plenty these days - to ruin your day.

Bill W

Oct 22, 2018
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Greenville, SC
I drive my 02 Viper once or twice weekly, averaging 2500 miles annually. I've had mine for 6 years and used to worry about dings, cracked headlights, windshields, etc. No longer. I drive it and enjoy the ride as often as I can. When on interstates and other highways I'm careful about driving behind big trucks and stay clear of them.


VCA National President
VCA Officer
Jan 7, 2013
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My 04 ticked over 138,000 miles not that long ago, ~100,000 miles of those are my own. I bought it to be my daily driver more or less, though I get the concern about parts. Generally speaking my line of thought is "some company made this part before, so some company can make it again". It might be wildly expensive to get a one-off part made, but with the increase in 3D printing technology I think small batch replacement parts are going to get more reasonable, at least for parts that support that.

I guess the real question is, does it bother you if the car is "less than perfect"? Scratches and chips are annoying, but don't really bother me that much since it's a largely composite car. They are more worrying on steel cars because they are starting points for rust, but paint is just paint and easy enough to replace down the road. I'm not concerned with resale value because I bought the car for me, not the next guy down the line. That's not to say I don't care about my car and would trash it, more just that I don't mind some cosmetic imperfections. I hit some ice on a bridge a couple of weeks ago and somehow managed to only just bump the guardrail while somehow missing the half dozen other cars in front of me. Ended up breaking my driver's side mirror off and damaging the door while putting a pretty good dent in the side panel just behind the front tire. It *****, but that's just life and what I have insurance for. The side panel could probably be saved as I think the dent could be knocked out, but the door is more questionable. Regardless, it will get fixed one way or another as I have zero intention of ever getting rid of it.

I think too as the cars get older we might start seeing more replacement parts come to market. They are getting old enough to be "classics" and as more and more parts get discontinued, I think the aftermarket will step up and start making things. Someone on the forum here is already working on replacement headlight lenses, which has been a big one for a long time.


Nov 7, 2000
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New Canaan, CT
Viper owner since 97. It's always mildly stressful. I try to park between cars that have parked properly and preferably back into an end spot (curb to the left or right). I NEVER park far away from other cars because that's what the have-nots love.


May 4, 2023
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Cape Cod, Mass
I drive my Viper all the time, year round. If you love the car, drive it. I don't leave it anywhere parked unless I can see it. It just makes good sense to have a regular car or truck to take for errands. Life is too short not to enjoy it. Don't save it for the next guy.


Jul 9, 2023
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On the computer
Great conversation! Even though I intentionally bought a car with cosmetic issues in hopes of worrying about it less, I've still spent most of my ownership worrying way too much. It's finally starting to subside, these days.

Here's the thing I'm learning: the whole ethos of preserving a car, of making sure nothing ever happens to it is a fool's errand. Things do break down, over time. We can take care of them, we can do our best to preserve the things we love. Theoretically, even the Mona Lisa, at some point, will succumb to time and decay, despite humanity's efforts. These cars are old, at this point. It's better to experience and enjoy the car, even if that knocks a few years off of the "caretaking" aspect. With cars like Vipers, the monetary difference between a perfect, garage-queen-level car and a car with some "stories" isn't a whole lot, percentage wise. It's sad, imho, to just put the thing in the garage and be too afraid to use it. Look at BaT/C&Bs, etc: cream puff Vipers still sell far below their original MSRP. They are not investments, and they don't need to own us.

It would be silly to say that anyone is entitled to drive a Viper. But, if someone was, I think it's people like us: the people who grew up loving them. They're part of our own personal mythology. Childhood is immensely powerful, and only a generation or two actually grew up wanting these cars. Just like the 50s American car scene is dying off slowly because later generations didn't grow up pining for them, there will come a time when our cars do not mean much to the current generations. It's much better, in my opinion, to make our own childhood selves happy. Even at the risk of dings, broken parts, less-than-perfect presentation.

Hunter S. Thompson said it best:

Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride!”

Seems very in line with the Viper ethos.

If the Viper isn't doing it for you, it's totally fine to let it go. But, if you do love it but are scared to use it, I'd encourage you (as a fellow nervous person who is also a dreamer [a rough, rough combination]) to try to find some zen and just enjoy it.
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May 10, 2023
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2nd owner, bought my 03 in 2010 w/3900 miles. Weekend car and now has 54,000 miles. Loved every one of them. I 'get it' in terms of some folks not wanting to drive/wear and tear on them.....but why have it, if not to enjoy. Maybe if a collector or if you have 20 cars, you might want to keep the miles low.... but 'in the real world' ENJOY IT. I never take it anywhere I can't keep my eye on it... As it ages, it is just getting 'cooler' by the day (and less and less of them on the road.) Maybe someday, it will have its' Porsche air-cooled appreciation moment. But right now, the car is worth so much more to me, then selling it. You should enjoy your Viper, it was meant to be driven and enjoyed. You will regret selling, I know I would.


Jun 12, 2019
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Twin Cities, MN
OP, I'm on the flip side of the same conundrum. I've been enamored with the Viper since getting my first poster of a 1st Gen RT/10 in 2nd grade at a Scholastic book fair. I've since ammassed more posters and die cast models, but have yet to get my first real Viper. I'd love to buy one now that I'm older (in my 40s), but I worry I may have missed the market. If your soul-searching leads you to a place of ultimately wanting to sell, I'd love to discuss whether I can give your GTS a good home. But, while you have it, I say drive it and remind yourself what made you fall in love with the car so many years ago.


Sep 12, 2022
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Niles, Michigan
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I drive my B&W GTS to get groceries or visit my kids. I red-line (after it's properly warmed up). I light up the tires. i get more joy from driving than watching. My Mom would always put out the good china and if something broke, she said it saw a lot of love (and not a lot of dust). Enjoy.

smooth viper

VCA Member
Jun 13, 2023
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Oakland, CA
My 04 ticked over 138,000 miles not that long ago, ~100,000 miles of those are my own. I bought it to be my daily driver more or less, though I get the concern about parts. Generally speaking my line of thought is "some company made this part before, so some company can make it again". It might be wildly expensive to get a one-off part made, but with the increase in 3D printing technology I think small batch replacement parts are going to get more reasonable, at least for parts that support that.

I guess the real question is, does it bother you if the car is "less than perfect"? Scratches and chips are annoying, but don't really bother me that much since it's a largely composite car. They are more worrying on steel cars because they are starting points for rust, but paint is just paint and easy enough to replace down the road. I'm not concerned with resale value because I bought the car for me, not the next guy down the line. That's not to say I don't care about my car and would trash it, more just that I don't mind some cosmetic imperfections. I hit some ice on a bridge a couple of weeks ago and somehow managed to only just bump the guardrail while somehow missing the half dozen other cars in front of me. Ended up breaking my driver's side mirror off and damaging the door while putting a pretty good dent in the side panel just behind the front tire. It *****, but that's just life and what I have insurance for. The side panel could probably be saved as I think the dent could be knocked out, but the door is more questionable. Regardless, it will get fixed one way or another as I have zero intention of ever getting rid of it.

I think too as the cars get older we might start seeing more replacement parts come to market. They are getting old enough to be "classics" and as more and more parts get discontinued, I think the aftermarket will step up and start making things. Someone on the forum here is already working on replacement headlight lenses, which has been a big one for a long time.
Thank you for posting this. This is generally how I feel about my silver 2004 as well but it really hit home that I just need to enjoy the car. Life is short!


Feb 20, 2025
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Thanks for all of the replies everyone!

I really enjoyed reading them.

I think part of the reason I’m feeling this way is because it’s still winter and I haven’t been able to get the Viper out of the garage since November.

The other part is from my interactions with my dad when I was younger.

Dad was VERY picky about keeping his cars perfect. Even his daily drivers. He was also a corvette guy. So he always tried to keep it immaculate.

I always mocked him for not driving his car as much as he should, and he said “you’ll get it one day…” and now here I am. Ha ha.

So I kind of feel like a hypocrite putting 500-1000 miles a year on it as opposed to driving it a lot.

If I sold it, I think I’d buy a new(er) sports car and just drive it more. I dunno.

I’ll likely just wait until spring and see how I feel and what the market is like.


May 2, 2022
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Fallbrook, CA
I love reading the posts, lots of common threads how people want to enjoy their Vipers and still protect the car keeping miles low and away from accident prone people. I had a 94 with 7000 miles, I barely drove it wanting to protect the low miles, I didn’t drive it here and there as I wanted to. Kids came along and had to sell it, only put 2000 miles on it in 3 years, many regrets not enjoying it while I had it, fast forward to 3 years ago, kids college paid for, I bought a 99 RT 10 with 6700 miles. I have chosen my rides very carefully, cars and coffees, driving it to friends houses and just out on Saturday mornings for an enjoyable spin and back home. I put on about 1500 miles a year but feel I enjoy the 99 more. Like one post said, if you don’t enjoy it, someone else will. Get out and enjoy it, you worked hard to get it. Safe motoring Viper nation.

Tom and Vipers

Nov 22, 2000
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Jeannette, PA 15644
If your car has low miles and in exceptional condition - and you find yourself not driving it because you don't want to spoil that, you have the wrong car!

You should sell it and buy one that has high miles, is not perfect/rough even/maybe even a R title, and drive it without a care in the world. LOL if it drives straight down the road with hands off steering wheel and doesn't pull when you brake, the frame is straight enough!

You'll be happy driving the car and not worrying about it. (and you'll have $10-20k in your pocket too)

Ironically, I'm selling my 90k modded 96 GTS because for me, the car is still too nice for me. If I like a car, I like to drive it continuously and not care about keeping it perfect.


Jan 14, 2025
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Dominican Republic
Hey all!

New to the forum. Found it while doing a search today.

I’ve been a Viper fan since I was 12 when I saw the 1st Viper pace car with my dad at the 91 Indy 500! Finally got the GTS I’d always wanted in 5 years ago. Love it!

Lately though, I’ve been wondering if I should sell it because I just don’t drive it that often, mostly because I don’t want anything bad to happen to it. Ha ha.

It drives great, but I just don’t feel good taking it somewhere and then worrying about people messing with it in the parking lot. Just stresses me out.

I have all of my vipers die casts and toys from my childhood, which is super cool (to me) but I feel like maybe the car has just become a really expensive, really large die cast.

Does anyone else ever get this feeling? Any thoughts. Just thought I’d throw that out for some discussion today as I was sitting and thinking about it.

Thanks all! Have a great day.
It happened to me at first with my classic Mercedes, every time I washed it I didn’t wanted the car to get dirty or scratched in the transit so it spent moths without using it, but when I used I kept weeks with it.

Then I realize that the car is for us it, if it get scratched I’ll painted again, that’s why I used my viper every time I could, enjoy your car.

Go to places were you can see it when parked at the beginning, after a few weeks it will pass and you will stop worry about it.



Viper Owner
Mar 24, 2015
Reaction score
Even worse is having an RT/10, because I rarely put the soft top on if I don't have to. So I feel bad taking it anywhere.

But what I WOULD recommend is finding a local autocross club. SCCA is a great way to safely enjoy your car, be around fellow car enthusiasts, and it's a cheap way to have some fun (other than tire wear if you attend every event you can). My 94 is stock (except for some 99 wheels in 18s for better tire choices). I've tracked my car several times, but it's way less scary to autocross, but lots of fun.


Jul 10, 2024
Reaction score
I cant imagine caring soo much about a car that i wouldn't drive it.

The cars will be around but we will not be. My real problem is i have a 95 rt10 and no real windows and a top drive me crazy but when im driving i will say i love it. I leave it everywhere and anywhere cuz i bought the car, the car didnt buy me.

In a digital world where emails and messages must be answered ASAP , the vipers simplicity slows down time and importance of anything else.

So the more I drive the more i take care of my well being.


Jun 24, 2016
Reaction score
sell it and buy yourself a high mileage viper in average condition, problem solved


May 21, 2024
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St pete
Hey all!

New to the forum. Found it while doing a search today.

I’ve been a Viper fan since I was 12 when I saw the 1st Viper pace car with my dad at the 91 Indy 500! Finally got the GTS I’d always wanted in 5 years ago. Love it!

Lately though, I’ve been wondering if I should sell it because I just don’t drive it that often, mostly because I don’t want anything bad to happen to it. Ha ha.

It drives great, but I just don’t feel good taking it somewhere and then worrying about people messing with it in the parking lot. Just stresses me out.

I have all of my vipers die casts and toys from my childhood, which is super cool (to me) but I feel like maybe the car has just become a really expensive, really large die cast.

Does anyone else ever get this feeling? Any thoughts. Just thought I’d throw that out for some discussion today as I was sitting and thinking about it.

Thanks all! Have a great day.
Keep it enjoy it once it's gone it's gone


Jun 24, 2016
Reaction score
The difference in a few dollars you might get back will go right back into another car, plus the hassle, registration/tax costs, etc...

Just drive the car.
yeah I was just saying the OP has a weird problem, but if they wanted to get rid of that problem just buy a high mileage viper in average condition so they couldn't possibly care less.

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