Recent content by 01sapphireGTS

  1. 0

    So where are all the original people from this site?

    I only lurk since selling my car but I am hoping to replace my GTS in the next month or so. (I'm prob still a "newb" compared to the original messege board group.)
  2. 0

    big-n-itialian thanks for the update

    Maybe it's you're New Zealand web servers distorting the view, you know that's a long way for fiber optics to travel "mate". haha
  3. 0

    big-n-itialian thanks for the update

    Ryan: Big can animate the images for you or here is "just an idea" to kick around. Let me know if you want to make any changes...
  4. 0

    Free AOL Instant Messenger Buddy Icons - All Viper Related

    Just wanted to "bump" this post thru the rotation one more time, then I'll let it die a quiet death...
  5. 0

    big-n-itialian thanks for the update

    Big: Here are a few of you're fangs emblem... The size changed a little so they may not fit into you're existing animation. I forget if the animation tool resizes automatically or if it will let you use images of differing sizes. I think it only works w/ one size per animation...
  6. 0

    big-n-itialian thanks for the update

    Obviously Photoshop is the premier photo manipulation software available. If I were you, I would edit the photos in Photoshop, and then (if wanted) you can animated the gifs with PaintPro. When shrinking -> You will open a window giving you information of the picture's current pixel size...
  7. 0

    big-n-itialian thanks for the update

    I always make them 120 wide, but do they have to be 90 tall ? It seems most pics crop better in different heights. My avatar is 120 x 98, the one above I just did is 120 x 80. The incorrect width is what would throw the page template table into a spin. If someone posted a 300 wide avatar it...
  8. 0

    big-n-itialian thanks for the update

    viper GTS-R: Sorry for sticking my fangs into your potential avatar...
  9. 0

    big-n-itialian thanks for the update

    Ryan94rt10: Here are two pics I pulled out of you're gallery. You can pick one for an avatar or have Big rotate them... Forward you're choice to Big, or I will be glad to do it for you. Todd
  10. 0

    how come my thread go deleted

    Super cool post no matter where it resides...
  11. 0

    big-n-itialian thanks for the update

    Big & Jim: Here are the three pics I had to play with. The high res pics that Jim will provide once coming Stateside will help a bunch... Pic three came out somewhat nicer than the existing avatar.
  12. 0

    UK BBQ with pics.....

    I love the B/W with decals...
  13. 0

    ricer/ghetto glider incounter

    kcobean: Love the wheels. The rear fender lip, rear wing, and wheels almost pull off a "Porsche look". The 350s are cool cars, and you had a nice one. Not many people in general are in a position to purchase a viper, especially kids. The first car I modded was my first car, a 1976 BMW 2002, what...
  14. 0


    Batboy: Something like this ?
  15. 0

    Photos for the Ohio Viper Nationals

    Lots of pics, very cool.

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