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    • R
      Reguy reacted to Copperhd's post in the thread New Viper Owner with Like Like.
      Exactly. I guess some can look past the attitude, but as someone who has been in customer service all his life, being treated properly...
    • R
      Reguy reacted to efnfast's post in the thread New Viper Owner with Like Like.
      I had the exact same experience when I asked him what brands he stocked and what the date codes were ... so I just went and bought from...
    • R
      Reguy replied to the thread New Viper Owner.
      I ordered them through Tire Rack. I did most of the leg work on line then spoke by phone with a rep to finalize the order. This goes...
    • R
      Reguy replied to the thread New Viper Owner.
      I called him once, never again and managed to get tires very easily and quickly. My view, why take an attitude from someone who is...
    • R
      Reguy reacted to TEALLIFE's post in the thread Where to locate trickle charger with Like Like.
      Yup this. Permanent attachment you just tuck under the PCM and pull out without having to open the hood.
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