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    • E
      eaks replied to the thread 2005 Key Fob Issues.
      I did this on my 2004 following the manual procedure (I also believe I was able to use my Autel scanner). I programmed three key fobs...
    • E
      eaks replied to the thread Reverse light wiring..
      Glad you got it sorted. No problem at all.
    • E
      eaks replied to the thread Reverse light wiring..
      I didn't actually use the factory harness all the way into the car. I just attached on the factory harness until it left the trunk...
    • E
      eaks replied to the thread Reverse light wiring..
      I installed my camera in my trunk and ran the wiring along the factory harness. I then was able to snake it through the interior under...
    • E
      eaks replied to the thread Motor Mount time any Wisdom.
      I am also going to be swapping motor mounts and trans mount right away (tried last night so undo the bolts but they were too tight and I...
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