Recent content by Mumbles05

  1. Mumbles05

    help! keys locked in trunk!

    Does this trick involve a plasma cutter? lol I can see being concerned about the wrong person knowing it but if someone wants the vehicle, they are probably going to come with a rollback flatbed and take it. Also, don't store the hope diamond in the trunk. I am glad you were able to help that...
  2. Mumbles05

    DRB III Reverse Engineering Project

    I haven't forgotten about you. Had my hands full recently (see below). Sounds like you have a gameplan though. It'll just take time and money as all things do. The computer part of that blue brick is touch screen so I doubt anyone had to fiddle with the keyboard. It has some heft to it though so...
  3. Mumbles05

    DRB III Reverse Engineering Project

    Well, based on the numbering I would assume it started at CDA 1 but the lowest version number I have seen or heard about was CDA 3. I have no idea what form it was in prior to that but CDA 3 as I knew it was software that ran on the starscan. There may have been a desktop version of 3 but I...
  4. Mumbles05

    DRB III Reverse Engineering Project

    Behold, the holy grail! CDA 6 offline. Cost me an arm and a leg but I finally got my hands on it.
  5. Mumbles05

    DRB III Reverse Engineering Project

    I need to open up one of my original ones in a couple days to resolder the reset button, so I'll snap some pictures of it when I do. The OBD 2 port supplies it 12v power so it's reasonable to assume it would have a way to send 12v out again for 9141. If you have your pod connected via usb, you...
  6. Mumbles05

    DRB III Reverse Engineering Project

    That is great. Be sure to mention the patents for the DRB 3 have expired so he wouldn't be doing anything wrong by discussing it with you. 2020-01-05 Application status is Expired - Lifetime
  7. Mumbles05

    DRB III Reverse Engineering Project

    I wasn't even aware CTC had anything to do with it. You should really give the patents a look. Chrysler has a bunch of them that may be helpful.
  8. Mumbles05

    DRB III Reverse Engineering Project

    I wish I could be of more help. I'm not too keen on sending my DRB 3 through an unnecessary tumble dry cycle, also known as the mail. I don't own the switchbox to go with my sensor and I don't own a Mixed signal oscilloscope or logic analyzer. I wouldn't know what to do with them if they were...
  9. Mumbles05

    DRB III Reverse Engineering Project I thought it was made by OTC and was later bought out by bosch who was providing repairs service for them up until a couple years ago. The switchbox for the sensors just handles cycling between the two sensors or selecting a single one. If you look back on...
  10. Mumbles05

    DRB III Reverse Engineering Project

    I think it would work well as a standard scan tool, allowing you access to various tests like the injector kill test and cycling the ABS pump. I haven't seen anything like it that could activate sales codes. On older vehicles that usually a matter of flipping a switch in the software, it may...
  11. Mumbles05

    DRB III Reverse Engineering Project

    I'm sure there are obd 2 splitter cables or you can use something like the "J1962 Breakout Box, CH7002" listed in the DRB 3 Hardware Operations & Accessories Reference Guide P/N CH6050 PDF copy found here: That manual also...
  12. Mumbles05

    DRB III Reverse Engineering Project

    I know. I'm registered as Deepfreeze01 on there and participated in that thread. It's a pretty safe bet that I'm in most of the discussions of this topic across the web. Any that were of any consequence anyways. Unfortunately because of the value of the vehicles involved, most of those threads...
  13. Mumbles05

    DRB III Reverse Engineering Project

    A fair warning, you are embarking down a path that will eat an inordinate amount of your free time and cost you tens of thousands of dollars. lol I would encourage you to give them a call. You might get further with them than I did. Try the technical support department. They didn't seem very...
  14. Mumbles05

    DRB III Reverse Engineering Project

    Yes, I've used it before and had some long conversations with the guys over at CTC as well. They are the ones who developed both versions of the DRB 3 emulator. As I understood it, there was some licencing dispute regarding the original DRB 3 emulator software which is why it was previously...
  15. Mumbles05

    DRB III Reverse Engineering Project

    I am very interested in tracking the issue since I've made it my hobby to document this stuff. If you spoke to some suitably experienced techs who were unable to access it with the newest version of the emulator then I would say it was likely left out all together. A shame since the enhanced DRB...