Recent content by Viper Specialty

  1. Viper Specialty


    We are looking into repairing these. If you locate one, do NOT toss the old one and send it here!
  2. Viper Specialty

    SRT-10 Stone & Rock Guards

    As many of you know, we are the original producer of the SRT-10 Vert/Coupe Front and Rear stone guard offerings. Our products were designed for maximum protection, and minimum visibility, being the largest area covering/protecting design available by a large margin. As some of our capabilities...
  3. Viper Specialty


    Post #18. First. LOL Glad you got it figured out... now go put all the good OEM parts back in and drive it!
  4. Viper Specialty

    Help needed / Wiring Diagram for 1998 Viper GTS Map Sensor / P1296

    Two things: 1. That PCM may have come from us, as we supply most of the Viper Store's controllers. 2. Your problem is likely programming, and nothing more. You have to edit the base sensor values in order to run a 2-Bar MAP and not get that code.
  5. Viper Specialty


    Only correction: common supply, not common ground.
  6. Viper Specialty

    A few random Gen-5 upgrade parts for sale...

    This stuff is in excellent to new condition: 1. Centrifugal Blower Airbox Assembly [F1X, appears to be the same used by ProSpeed/FastLane] 2. 0.375" Wheel Spacers + Long-Neck Lugs [Hub/Lug-Centric] 3. IPSCO lowering spring-caps 4. OEM Spring set
  7. Viper Specialty


    My opinion is that I don't have an opinion. Trying to diagnose something like this when you don't have the proper tools to give me concrete answers makes any realistic diagnostic tree completely useless. Explanation without fact is nothing more than a jumble of questionable items. What I *DO*...
  8. Viper Specialty


    Dude. STOP. Find the actual problem, and STOP BUYING PARTS AND CHANGING THINGS. You have spent so much time and money swapping things at this point, that you could have bought the proper diagnostic tools already 10x over, or brought someone like me TO YOUR HOUSE from across the country, or...
  9. Viper Specialty

    1999 GTS - Exhaust Manifolds Glowing Red

    To diag this, you really need a DRB-3, not HPT.
  10. Viper Specialty

    1999 GTS - Exhaust Manifolds Glowing Red

    Yes... but idle timing control is going to poison that well, if its active.
  11. Viper Specialty

    1999 GTS - Exhaust Manifolds Glowing Red

    Idle control timing can fluctuate +/- 20 on a good day, not to mention all of the temp based multipliers and adders. Figuring base timing from total timing is nearly impossible unless you turn idle control off and have all of the temp based adders available to reference. I would be looking more...
  12. Viper Specialty

    1999 GTS - Exhaust Manifolds Glowing Red

    Few points: -We did the reflash, thats not it. LOL -Header glow is normal, however this seems excessive. Generally a dimly lit room is needed to see the glow. -Before going crazy replacing parts, check what you currently have. -Injectors are suspect. Cant hurt to have the double-checked...
  13. Viper Specialty


    Just to throw it out there...... Early Gen-1 is known for cracked intake manifolds' internal fuel rail, which would flood every cylinder near it and run like general hot garbage. If its a 4-rib manifold, thats very real possibility.
  14. Viper Specialty

    Help me please. I need a wiring diagram for my ecu

    As pointed out above... need significantly more information before proceeding.
  15. Viper Specialty


    Honest opinion, this needs to go to a shop with the proper scan tools that can check all of the engine I/O and see if everything is functioning properly electrically. Wish you were closer, this is exactly the stuff that I love... but trying to do it remotely is a nightmare. SO many things were...