Recent content by ViperJohn

  1. ViperJohn

    "Nest of Vipers" CL List 10/06/18

    I second that. You just saved me a ton of time.
  2. ViperJohn

    How to know if a rescue attempt makes sense

    I think 20K is too high considering how much you will have to spend to get it corrected. There are also the unknowns. Appears to be worth saving though.
  3. ViperJohn

    93 Viper OEM Radio

    I would get one of the Service manuals on-line. You will find the wiring diagram there.
  4. ViperJohn

    Rare Viper Stuff

    Looks nice.
  5. ViperJohn

    Rattle from transmission area

    Have you tried putting it in neutral, letting the clutch out and revving it to see if the rattle/noise is there? Unless the cam has been changed, the 2000-2002 have no NGR as the early Gen 2's did.
  6. ViperJohn

    Gen II OEM Wheel Finishes

    I remember guys having the front wheels break under heavy braking with slicks. Just can't remember if it was the cast or forged wheels that were the problem.
  7. ViperJohn

    New Viper owner

    The B/W Viper and Red Corvette pair nicely together. Enjoy!
  8. ViperJohn

    Windshield Wipers Sword-fight

    You may have a bad wiper control module or one of motors is going bad causing them to get out of sync. I know the fronts on Gen 2 are both minivan rear wiper motors from the same model era.
  9. ViperJohn

    Trying to contact Ron Hickey

    Ron hasn't been around these parts in many years.
  10. ViperJohn

    93 RT10 ran out of gas, now wont start

    Have you verified if you have fuel pressure?
  11. ViperJohn

    Carbon buildup

    The factory tune is a little rich, hence the carbon build up. Is this the first time they have been changed? (Not sure if there was a previous owner).
  12. ViperJohn

    Looking for a Mamba Edition in Great Shape and with Low Mileage

    If memory serves me, the Mamba came in White, Silver and Black. Do you know which of those colors you are looking for?
  13. ViperJohn

    Spare Key for RT/10

    Glad to hear your issue was resolved.
  14. ViperJohn

    IN/KY Vipers SPECIAL VIPER SERVICE SESSION Oct 2 thru 7, 2017 at Indy Champion CJDR

    Re: IN/KY Vipers SPECIAL VIPER SERVICE SESSION Oct 2 thru 7, 2017 at Indy Champion We need to get you at to DC Metro Area....MD/VA. Hope the event goes well.

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