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  1. S

    Gen 4 Suspension

    You have a bigger pic from the side? How much drop is that around 1"?
  2. S

    PROJECT: "HARDCORE ACR-700R" Has Begun

    Do you think the Mopar PCM is a worth while upgrade? I'm doing very similar mods to my 09 VOI good luck and impressive results!
  3. S

    MCS new product poll

    Any word on pricing to upgrade this to a remote setup down the road? I should have an answer for you Monday :)
  4. S

    Gen iv 08, 09 & 10

    I realize this but every part ussually has a point that it breaks not taking in account wheel hop etc I'm just trying to see if my Gen4 with bolt on would reach that point.
  5. S

    Gen iv 08, 09 & 10

    The question I keep asking is how much the solid shafts can take before they break? I have an 09 VOI and was wondering if people put some MT's or Nitto's DR's on if breaking was going to be an issue.
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    Gen iv 08, 09 & 10

    So can anyone answer how much stronger the solid half shafts are then the hollow ones?
  7. S

    Gen iv 08, 09 & 10

    Yeah but I'm asking about 09 half shafts????
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    Gen iv 08, 09 & 10

    What are the solid shafts rated at for hp before people are breaking them?
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    Gen 4 Suspension

    Has anyone run the H R coil overs?
  10. S

    Gen 4 Suspension

    You have any pics of the car with the Eibacks? How is the ride compared to stock? How much did it lower the car compared to stock? Thanks
  11. S

    Gen 4 Suspension

    I never said it was an ACR its a VOI edition actually.
  12. S

    Gen 4 Suspension

    Looking to lower the car slightly but also want the ride and performance to be better for spirited street and occasional track driving. What are some of your experiences with various different setups? Thanks
  13. S

    Greg Good does it again [email protected] GEN 4

    Any info and pics on the head? Greg Clear out your PM's :)
  14. S

    How to Launch A Viper

    When you say sqeeze the gas do you sqeeze as your release the clutch or once the clutch is already released and the cars moving. What kind of rpm are people on street tires like Invo's ussing as there target launch rpm?
  15. S

    How to Launch A Viper

    Makes sense thanks plan on trying this out on Friday.
  16. S

    Gen 3 to Gen 4 Differences

    Anyone know what the stock half shafts are good for hp wise
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    How to Launch A Viper

    But what technique do you use? The car is on nitto invo's and probably 600whp
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    Edmonton Area Viper Meet Sept 22nd

    Come on guys probably one of the last chances before the snow flies :)
  19. S

    Gen 3 to Gen 4 Differences

    Is there a list somewhere of the differences between the two? I've heard the Gen 4 half shafts are solid vs hollow on gen 3, and the motor is now 8.4L with a 6060 trans, what other differences are there? What are Gen 4 half shafts good for in terms of power? Thanks Ron
  20. S

    How to Launch A Viper

    I've been drag racing a very high Hp AWD for the last 10 years and this is my first RWD. On my AWD I would stand on the gas on the two step then slip the clutch out of the hole. What is the best method for a Viper on street tires or ET streets. Thanks Ron
  21. S

    Edmonton Area Viper Meet Sept 22nd

    Probably late afternoon?
  22. S

    Edmonton Area Viper Meet Sept 22nd

    Thinking of trying to sneak in a cruise/meet/BBQ/UFC get together before the snow flies. Probably meet in town and we can cruise out to my place 20min east of Edmonton for a BBQ and UFC for anyone thats interested! Ron
  23. S

    Greg Good

    Thanks Just talked to him :)

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