great vid and another reasom why i'd like to ,but, dont track my car cause if something breaks i dont have the money to fix...especially if it entails losing an engine.
How many miles on car? And what are your future plans for the car, staying mainly stock or ?
If they're just removing the intake and replacing the crank seal which I doubt removal of any replacement performance parts, its not much u can upgrade besides the bracket as u mention. Stock plug...
As mention glad to hear your ok. things ended positive for you considering the situation and glad you were smart enough to get the hell out of the car and make for the shoulder.
Dc perf did the work so I'm sure they did it correct. I never touched any wiring as I have no idea what would fixing.
I purchased and installed a new Bosch battery the day I reinstalled the aem.
I'm gonna have my viper tech gone through the wires for shorts etc and if he doesn't find anything...
i guess the problem is what do i do. The issue is isolated to volts dropping right now, so im gonna have my viper tech go through all the wires or have a separate charging device installed.
i should of mention that I no longer the have the factory PCM, but a AEM which conts. to give me problems, even one day after repairs were done to the unit.
Ok chuck mention the bad ground as well. I'll call then today but this is getting old. Within hrs of reinstall and driving, same issue. I hope they don't try and charge me again to fix the issue.
The isolated charging option is starting to sound vet tempting right now.
Well I had the alternator rebuilt. New battery and aem repaired by aem and it still has the same problem. Took it out last night and after 20 mins the volts dropped from 13 to mid 12 and held there for 15 mins then started to drop until it got down pass 12.
After I put the repaired aem in the...
Impressive for all motor. Any details on build besides the obvious. Congrats and I'd really like to see how it does against an supercharger 700rwhp paxton/roe.
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